Sfoglia per Autore
Social mobbing calls in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus): Effects of experience and associated cortisol levels
2008-01-01 Clara, E; Tommasi, Luca; Rogers, L. J.
A bias for the female face in the right hemisphere
2008-01-01 Parente, Rosanna; Tommasi, Luca
Left hemisphere specialization for duration discrimination of musical and speech sounds
2008-01-01 Brancucci, Alfredo; D'Anselmo, A; Martello, F; Tommasi, Luca
2009-01-01 Tommasi, Luca; Peterson, Ma; Nadel, L.
Vowel identity between note labels confuses pitch identification in non-absolute pitch possessors.
2009-01-01 Brancucci, Alfredo; Dipinto, R; Mosesso, I; Tommasi, Luca
Mechanisms and functions of brain and behavioural asymmetries
2009-01-01 Tommasi, Luca
Asymmetries of the human social brain in the visual, auditory and chemical modalities
2009-01-01 Brancucci, Alfredo; Lucci, Giuliana; Mazzatenta, Andrea; Tommasi, Luca
Opposite hemispheric asymmetries for pitch identification in absolute pitch and non-absolute pitch musicians
2009-01-01 Brancucci, Alfredo; DI NUZZO, M; Tommasi, Luca
Cognitive Biology: The New Cognitive Sciences
2009-01-01 Tommasi, Luca; Nadel, L; Peterson, Ma
"Octave illusion" or "Deutsch's illusion"?
2009-01-01 Brancucci, Alfredo; Padulo, C; Tommasi, Luca
Side biases in humans (Homo sapiens): Three ecological studies on hemispheric asymmetries
2009-01-01 Marzoli, Daniele; Tommasi, Luca
The encoding of geometry in various vertebrate species
2010-01-01 THINUS BLANC, C; Chabanne, V; Tommasi, Luca; Peruch, P; Vauclair, J.
Posture in ovo as a precursor of footedness in ostriches (Struthio camelus)
2010-01-01 Baciadonna, L; Zucca, P; Tommasi, Luca
Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on episodic memory related to emotional visual stimuli
2010-01-01 Penolazzi, B; DI DOMENICO, Alberto; Marzoli, Daniele; Mammarella, Nicola; Fairfield, Beth; Franciotti, Raffaella; Brancucci, Alfredo; Tommasi, Luca
The handedness of imagined bodies in action and the role of perspective taking
2011-01-01 Marzoli, Daniele; Mitaritonna, A; Moretto, F; Carluccio, P; Tommasi, Luca
The relation between self-reported empathy and motor identification with imagined agents
2011-01-01 Marzoli, Daniele; Palumbo, Rocco; DI DOMENICO, Alberto; Penolazzi, Barbara; Garganese, P.; Tommasi, Luca
Mixing taste illusions: The effect of miraculin on binary and trinary mixtures
2011-01-01 Capitanio, A; Lucci, Giuliana; Tommasi, Luca
The sound of consciousness: neural underpinnings of auditory perception
2011-01-01 Brancucci, Alfredo; Franciotti, Raffaella; D’Anselmo, A; DELLA PENNA, Stefania; Tommasi, Luca
Ear and pitch segregation in Deutsch's octave illusion persist following switch from stimulus alternation to repetition
2011-01-01 Brancucci, Alfredo; Lugli, Victor; Santucci, Alessandra; Tommasi, Luca
Neuromagnetic responses reveal the cortical timing of audiovisual synchrony
2011-01-01 Franciotti, Raffaella; Brancucci, Alfredo; DELLA PENNA, Stefania; Onofrj, Marco; Tommasi, Luca
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