"A-Shaped" Mast Sailing Yacht: Technological Solution for Easy Navigation
2018-01-01 Vallicelli, Andrea; Lagatta, Jessica
"Just in Time" Product Design: Case Study of a High-Customizable Chase Boat
2018-01-01 DI NICOLANTONIO, Massimo; Vallicelli, Andrea; Lagatta, Jessica; Biagi, Alessio
'80 feet sustainable motoryacht: Technological solutions concept of the living spaces on board.
2015-01-01 DI NICOLANTONIO, Massimo; Lagatta, Jessica; Vallicelli, Andrea
3D Design Process: Case Study of Metaproject Analysis and 3D printing Concept Proposal in the Field of Fashion
2018-01-01 DI NICOLANTONIO, Massimo; Marano, Antonio; Vallicelli, Andrea; Angeloni, Giulia
Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation
2017-01-01 DI BUCCHIANICO, Giuseppe; Vallicelli, Andrea; Stanton, Neville A.; Steven, Landry
Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation: Part I
2014-01-01 Stanton, N.; Landry, S.; DI BUCCHIANICO, Giuseppe; Vallicelli, Andrea
Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation: Part II
2014-01-01 Stanton, N.; Landry, S.; DI BUCCHIANICO, Giuseppe; Vallicelli, Andrea
Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation: Part III
2014-01-01 Stanton, N.; Landry, S.; DI BUCCHIANICO, Giuseppe; Vallicelli, Andrea
Architetture del mare. Brevi riflessioni su progetto, movimento e trasparenza
2009-01-01 Vallicelli, Andrea
Architetture tra due fluidi
2019-01-01 Vallicelli, Andrea
Boat Camping Sailing Yacht: A Study Case of Conscious Yacht Design
2017-01-01 DI NICOLANTONIO, Massimo; Lagatta, Jessica; Marano, Antonio; Vallicelli, Andrea
DESIGN E INNOVAZIONE TECNOLOGICA, modelli d'innovazione per l'impresa e l'ambiente.
2016-01-01 Vallicelli, Andrea; Forlani, Maria Cristina
Design e territori centroadriatici tra innovazione e aspirazioni locali.
2009-01-01 Baldassarri, Elianora; Marano, Antonio; Vallicelli, Andrea
Design for Inclusion in the Field of Sailing Yachts. Design for All Approach for Small Sailing Boats
2017-01-01 Vallicelli, Andrea; Lagatta, Jessica; DI NICOLANTONIO, Massimo; Marano, Antonio
Design for Inclusion. Differences and similarities between DfA and UD in the field of Sailing Yacht Design.
2015-01-01 Lagatta, Jessica; DI NICOLANTONIO, Massimo; Vallicelli, Andrea
Design for Inclusion. Differences and Similarities between DfA and UD in the Field of Sailing Yacht Design.
2015-01-01 Lagatta, Jessica; DI NICOLANTONIO, Massimo; Vallicelli, Andrea
Design nautico, Riflessioni tematiche ed esercitazioni progettuali
2002-01-01 Vallicelli, Andrea
Evaluation of tactile pleasure of antiskid deck surface of a sailing yacht
2007-01-01 DI BUCCHIANICO, Giuseppe; Vallicelli, Andrea
Evaluation of Tactile Pleasure of Antiskid Deck Surface of a Sailing Yacht
2007-01-01 DI BUCCHIANICO, Giuseppe; Vallicelli, Andrea
Evaluation of tasks and postures in a sailing yacht
2009-01-01 DI BUCCHIANICO, Giuseppe; Vallicelli, Andrea