A simulated annealing-based algorithm for selecting balanced samples
2022-01-01 Benedetti, R; Dickson, Mm; Espa, G; Pantalone, F; Piersimoni, F
Advances in the use of remote sensing in Land Use/Land Cover Surveys
2015-01-01 Benedetti, Roberto; Andreano M., Simona; Piersimoni, Federica; Postiglione, Paolo
Agricultural Survey Methods
2010-01-01 Benedetti, Roberto; Bee, M; Espa, G; Piersimoni, Federica
Alternative and complementary approaches to spatially balanced samples
2017-01-01 Benedetti, Roberto; Piersimoni, Federica; Postiglione, Paolo
Available Methods and Software for Agricultural Data Editing
2001-01-01 Benedetti, Roberto; Espa, G; Piersimoni, Federica
Handling Out-of-Sample Areas to Estimate the Unemployment Rate at Local Labour Market Areas in Italy
2024-01-01 Benedetti, R.; Piersimoni, F.; Pratesi, M.; Salvati, N.; Suesse, T.
Integrating census and administrative data sources within a spatial sampling framework
2015-01-01 Filipponi, Danila; Benedetti, Roberto; Piersimoni, Federica
Mapping Poverty of Latin American and Caribbean Countries from Heaven Through Night-Light Satellite Images
2020-01-01 Andreano, Maria Simona; Benedetti, Roberto; Piersimoni, Federica; Savio, Giovanni
MCMC selection of spatially and doubly balanced samples
2015-01-01 Benedetti, Roberto; Andreano M., Simona; Piersimoni, Federica; Postiglione, Paolo
Metodologie e Tecniche a Supporto del Disegno di una Indagine Sull'Industria di Trasformazione dei Prodotti Ittici in Italia
2005-01-01 Benedetti, Roberto; Espa, G; Piersimoni, Federica
Multiple Imputation In Land Cover EBLUP Estimates
2010-01-01 Benedetti, Roberto; Danila, Filipponi; Piersimoni, Federica
Multivariate Boundaries of a Self Representing Stratum of Large Units in Agricultural Survey Design
2012-01-01 Benedetti, Roberto; Piersimoni, Federica
On the use of auxiliary variables in agricultural survey design
2010-01-01 Bee, M; Benedetti, Roberto; Espa, G; Piersimoni, Federica
PPS selection of agricultural and food firms
2009-01-01 Benedetti, Roberto; Piersimoni, Federica
Probabilità di identificazione delle unità statistiche in indagini gerarchiche e longitudinali
1998-01-01 Benedetti, Roberto; Franconi, L; Persimoni, F; Piersimoni, Federica
Prospettive e soluzioni per il data editing nelle rilevazioni in agricoltura
2001-01-01 Benedetti, Roberto; Espa, G; Piersimoni, Federica
Sample selection when a multivariate set of size measures is available
2019-01-01 Benedetti, R.; Andreano, M. S.; Piersimoni, F.
Sampling and modelling issues using big data in now-casting
2019-01-01 Andreano, Ms; Benedetti, R; Piersimoni, F; Postiglione, P; Savio, G
Sampling spatial units for agricultural surveys
2015-01-01 Benedetti, Roberto; Piersimoni, Federica; Postiglione, Paolo
Sito Web e Database
2005-01-01 Benedetti, Roberto; Espa, G; Piersimoni, Federica