5G and the European Competitiveness Challenge: The Case For Demand-Side Innovation Policies
2022-01-01 Rossi, MARIA ALESSANDRA
Brassica carinata-derived biodiesel production: economics, sustainability and policies. The Italian case
2018-01-01 Basili, M.; Rossi, M. A.
Brevetti, ricerca pubblica e disuguaglianza alla luce della pandemia da Covid-19
2022-01-01 Rossi, MARIA ALESSANDRA
Come sorridere anche noi. Accesso alle conoscenze, crescita economica, e riduzione delle diseguaglianze
2019-01-01 Pagano, Ugo; Rossi, MARIA ALESSANDRA
Corporate Governance Effects on Innovation when both Agency Costs and Asset Specificity Matter.
2016-01-01 Belloc, Filippo; Laurenza, Eleonora; Rossi Alessandra, M.
Economía del conocimiento, crisis y depresión
2017-01-01 Pagano, Ugo; Rossi, MARIA ALESSANDRA
EU technology-specific industrial policy. The case of 5G and 6G.
2024-01-01 Rossi, MARIA ALESSANDRA
How real will the metaverse be? Exploring the spatial impact of virtual worlds
2023-01-01 Parcu, Pl; Rossi, Ma; Innocenti, N; Carrozza, C
Il ruolo delle piattaforme nell’economia dei big data
2017-01-01 Rossi, MARIA ALESSANDRA
Innovation in 5G technology: Leadership, competition, and policy issues
2022-01-01 Parcu, P. L.; Rossi, M. A.; Brennan, T. J.
Open science ed economia della conoscenza: i paradossi della crescita come obiettivo della scienza
2017-01-01 Pagano, Ugo; Rossi, MARIA ALESSANDRA
Patent disclosure and R&D competition in pharmaceuticals
2009-01-01 Magazzini, L.; Pammolli, F.; Riccaboni, M.; Rossi, M. A.
Platform-mediated reputation systems in the sharing economy and incentives to provide service quality: The case of ridesharing services
2020-01-01 Marcello, Basili; Rossi, MARIA ALESSANDRA
Policy changes to strengthen the protection of media freedom and media pluralism in the EU
2021-01-01 Luigi Parcu, Pier; Rossi, MARIA ALESSANDRA
State aid policy in the broadband sector: public announcements, investments and crowding out
2020-01-01 Luigi Parcu, Pier; Rossi, MARIA ALESSANDRA
Study on media plurality and diversity online
2022-01-01 Rossi, MARIA ALESSANDRA
Technology and the shifting boundaries of regulation and competition in the EU telecommunications sector
2022-01-01 Luigi Parcu, Pier; Rossi, MARIA ALESSANDRA
The advent of 5G and the non-discrimination principle
2021-01-01 Rossi, MARIA ALESSANDRA
The crash of the knowledge economy
2009-01-01 Pagano, U.; Rossi, M. A.
The future of broadband policy, part 2: technological neutrality, path dependency and public financing
2017-01-01 Rossi, MARIA ALESSANDRA