Aging and Work Ability: The Moderating Role of Job and Personal Resources
2018-01-01 Converso, D.; Sottimano, I.; Guidetti, G.; Loera, B.; Cortini, M.; &, Viotti
Can mindfulness mitigate the energy-depleting process and increase job resources to prevent burnout? A study on the mindfulness trait in the school context
2019-01-01 Guidetti, Gloria; Viotti, Sara; Badagliacca, Sara; Colombo, Lara; Converso, Daniela
Concerns about change and employee wellbeing: The moderating role of social support
2018-01-01 Guidetti, G.; Converso, D.; Loera, B.; Viotti, S.
Developing organizational competences for conflict management: The use of the prisoner's dilemma in higher education
2018-01-01 Bruno, A.; Dell'Aversana, G.; Guidetti, G.
Experience of attachment to school: The relevance of a person-centred approach for identifying adjustment difficulties and gender - And age-related differences during early adolescence
2017-01-01 Guidetti, G; Rabaglietti, E; Converso, D
Feeling Guilty or Not Guilty. Identifying Burnout Profiles among Italian Teachers
2018-01-01 Guidetti, G.; Viotti, S.; Gil-Monte, P. R.; Converso, D.
Fostering work ability among menopausal women. Does any work-related psychosocial factor help?
2020-01-01 Viotti, S.; Guidetti, G.; Sottimano, I.; Converso, D.
I nearly died laughing: Humor in funeral industry operators
2019-01-01 Grandi, A.; Guidetti, G.; Converso, D.; Bosco, N.; Colombo, L.
I’ll Be a Caregiver-Employee: Aging of the Workforce and Family-to-Work Conflicts
2020-01-01 Converso, D.; Sottimano, I.; Viotti, S.; Guidetti, G.
La misurazione del burnout nei contesti sanitari: validità di costrutto e invarianza fattoriale della versione italiana dello Spanish Burnout Inventory (SBI-Ita
2017-01-01 Sara, Viotti; Guidetti, Gloria; Pedro, Gil-Monte; Daniela, Converso
Mi spezzo e mi piego”. Posture, sollevamenti e disturbi muscoloscheletrici tra insegnanti prescolari
2018-01-01 Sottimano, Ilaria; Viotti, Sara; Guidetti, Gloria; Cascio, Vincenza; Converso, Daniela
Musculoskeletal disorders among preschool teachers: Analyzing the relationships among relational demands, work meaning, and intention to leave the job
2018-01-01 Converso, D.; Viotti, S.; Sottimano, I.; Cascio, V.; Guidetti, G.
Not all academics are alike: First validation of the academics' quality of life at work scale (AQoLW)
2018-01-01 Converso, D.; Loera, B.; Molinengo, G.; Viotti, S.; Guidetti, G.
Nurses between the hammer and the anvil: Analyzing the role of the workplace prevention climate in reducing internal and external violence
2019-01-01 Viotti, S.; Guidetti, G.; Converso, D.
Organisational efficiency and co-worker incivility: A cross-national study of nurses in the USA and Italy
2018-01-01 Viotti, S.; Converso, D.; Hamblin, L. E.; Guidetti, G.; Arnetz, J. E.
Organizational climate and teachers’ morale: Developing a specific tool for the school context – A research project in Italy
2019-01-01 Converso, D.; Cortini, M.; Guidetti, G.; Molinengo, G.; Sottimano, I.; Viotti, S.; Loera, B.
Protective factors for work ability in preschool teachers
2017-01-01 Sottimano, I.; Viotti, S.; Guidetti, G.; Converso, D.
Safety Management and Wellbeing during COVID-19: A Pilot Study in the Manufactory Sector
2022-01-01 Guidetti, G.; Cortini, M.; Fantinelli, S.; Di Fiore, T.; Galanti, T.
Sometimes it drains, sometimes it sustains: The dual role of the relationship with students for university professors
2019-01-01 Martini, M.; Guidetti, G.; Viotti, S.; Loera, B.; Converso, D.
Stress, work ability, and an aging workforce: A study among women aged 50 and over
2017-01-01 Viotti, S.; Guidetti, G.; Loera, B.; Martini, M.; Sottimano, I.; Converso, D.