RANGONE, Adalberto
RANGONE, Adalberto
Best practice in crisis management during Covid-19 emergency: Acase study from the airport sector
2023-01-01 Rangone, Adalberto
CEC Bank case: proposals and possible solutions from the experience of Italian Foundations of Banking origin
2015-01-01 Rangone, Adalberto
Companies and Covid-19: Emerging Challenges and Recovery Strategies through Technological Upgrading”
2022-01-01 Rangone, A.
Comprendere e Governare la IV Rivoluzione Industriale. Valore, Etica e Centralità dell’Uomo nella Dottrina Economico Aziendale
2022-01-01 Rangone, A.
Comprendere e Governare la Quarta Rivoluzione Industriale. Valore, Etica e Centralità dell'Uomo nella Dottrina Economico Aziendale
2022-01-01 Rangone, Adalberto
Corporate Governance: Comparative Analysis and Practical Solutions to Face the Emerging Challenges
2015-01-01 Rangone, Adalberto
Corporate Progress: what changes and chances in Italy after the Great Recession
2017-01-01 Rangone, Adalberto
Corporate Psychology. How does Italian Entrepreneurship Change?
2016-01-01 Rangone, Adalberto
Corporate Taxation and Firm-Specific Determinants of Capital Structure: Evidence from the UK and US Multinational Firms
2022-01-01 Ali, S.; Rangone, A.; Farooq, M.
Different or Alike? Investigating the Impact of GDP on Environmental Protection Expenditure in Selected European States
2016-01-01 Badulescu, Daniel; Badulescu, Alina; Rangone, Adalberto; Sipos-Gug, Sebastian
Entrepreneurial Capital, Human Capital, Financial Capital: the paradigm of corporate progress
2017-01-01 Rangone, Adalberto
European Green Deal and Sustainable Development: The Green Bonds as an Integrated Intervention Tool to Support Agribusiness in Italy
2021-01-01 Rangone, A.; Ali, S.
Innovative Agribusiness. Which strategy for a dynamic development?
2019-01-01 Rangone, Adalberto
Institutional pressures, isomorphic changes and key agents in the transfer of knowledge of Lean in Healthcare
2019-01-01 D'Andreamatteo, Antonio; Ianni, Luca; Rangone, Adalberto; Paolone, Francesco; Sargiacomo, Massimo
International perspective on corporate governance, models and empirical evidence concerning the foundations of banking origin
2017-01-01 Rangone, Adalberto
Investigating Determinants of Industry–University Collaboration in an Open Innovation Context: Comparative Evidence from an Exploratory Study
2021-01-01 Baban, C. F.; Baban, M.; Rangone, A.
Knowledge Risk Management in Corporate Training Evaluation. The Knowledge Risk Training Evaluation Model (KRTEM)
2023-01-01 Borgia, Michele; Rangone, Adalberto
La logica d'impresa. Fenomeni e relazioni di influenza nell'attuale contesto economico
2018-01-01 Rangone, Adalberto
Managing charity 4.0 with Blockchain: a case study at the time of Covid-19
2021-01-01 Rangone, A.; Busolli, L.
Managing Corporate Innovation. Determinants, Critical Issues and Success Factors
2020-01-01 Rangone, Adalberto