PAGELLO, Federico
PAGELLO, Federico
A. J. Raffles and Arsène Lupin in literature, theatre, and film: On the transnational adaptations of popular fiction (1905-30)
2013-01-01 Pagello, F.
Before the 'Comics': On the Seriality of Graphic Narratives during the Nineteenth Century
2016-01-01 Pagello, Federico
Dal giallo al crime. Glocalismo, transculturalità e transmedialità nel poliziesco italiano contemporaneo
2020-01-01 Pagello, Federico
DETECting the ‘Noirification’ of European Popular Narratives Across Film, Fiction and Television
2022-01-01 Pagello, Federico
DETECting the “noirification” of European popular narratives across film, fiction and television
2022-01-01 Pagello, Federico
Glocality and Cosmopolitanism in European Crime Narratives
2021-01-01 Pagello, Federico; Dall'Asta, Monica; Levet, Natacha
Grattacieli e superuomini. L'immagine della metropoli tra cinema e fumetto
2010-01-01 Pagello, Federico
Images of the European Crisis: Populism and Contemporary Crime TV Series
2020-01-01 Pagello, F.
La postmodernità secondo Netflix
2019-01-01 Pagello, Federico
Quentin Tarantino and Film Theory : Aesthetics and Dialectics in Late Postmodernity
2020-01-01 Pagello, Federico
Researching European Crime Narratives and the Role of Television: An Introduction
2021-01-01 Pagello, Federico; Barra, Luca; Jacquelin, Alice
The Lord of the Rings as global phenomenon: A review of the Frodo Franchise, Watching the Lord of the Rings and Studying the Event Film
2010-01-01 Pagello, F.
The Myth of the Gentleman Burglar: Models of Serialization and Temporality in Early Twentieth-Century Crime Fiction
2015-01-01 Pagello, Federico
The “Origin Story” is the Only Story: Seriality and Temporality in Superhero Fiction from Comics to Post-Television
2017-01-01 Pagello, F.
Tra cinema ed editoria popolare: erotismo, attrazioni e serialità nel giallo all’italiana
2022-01-01 Pagello, Federico
Tra giallo, nero e gelatine colorate. Sui ‘gialli’ di Mario Bava, Diabolik e l’immaginario della società dei consumi
2022-01-01 Pagello, Federico
Transnational Connections in European Crime Film Series (1908-1914)
2014-01-01 Pagello, Federico
Transnational Fantômas: The Influence of Feuillade's Series on International Cinema during the 1910s
2013-01-01 Pagello, Federico
Vidéo-essais : la vidéo-critique cinématographique et littéraire comme outil pédagogique
2022-01-01 Pagello, Federico; Mattia Gallerani, Guido