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Background and Objectives Declines in stroke admission, IV thrombolysis (IVT), and mechanical thrombectomy volumes were reported during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a paucity of data on the longer-term effect of the pandemic on stroke volumes over the course of a year and through the second wave of the pandemic. We sought to measure the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the volumes of stroke admissions, intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), IVT, and mechanical thrombectomy over a 1-year period at the onset of the pandemic (March 1, 2020, to February 28, 2021) compared with the immediately preceding year (March 1, 2019, to February 29, 2020). Methods We conducted a longitudinal retrospective study across 6 continents, 56 countries, and 275 stroke centers. We collected volume data for COVID-19 admissions and 4 stroke metrics: ischemic stroke admissions, ICH admissions, IVT treatments, and mechanical thrombectomy procedures. Diagnoses were identified by their ICD-10 codes or classifications in stroke databases. Results There were 148,895 stroke admissions in the 1 year immediately before compared with 138,453 admissions during the 1-year pandemic, representing a 7% decline (95% CI [95% CI 7.1-6.9]; p < 0.0001). ICH volumes declined from 29,585 to 28,156 (4.8% [5.1-4.6]; p < 0.0001) and IVT volume from 24,584 to 23,077 (6.1% [6.4-5.8]; p < 0.0001). Larger declines were observed at high-volume compared with low-volume centers (all p < 0.0001). There was no significant change in mechanical thrombectomy volumes (0.7% [0.6-0.9]; p = 0.49). Stroke was diagnosed in 1.3% [1.31-1.38] of 406,792 COVID-19 hospitalizations. SARS-CoV-2 infection was present in 2.9% ([2.82-2.97], 5,656/195,539) of all stroke hospitalizations. Discussion There was a global decline and shift to lower-volume centers of stroke admission volumes, ICH volumes, and IVT volumes during the 1st year of the COVID-19 pandemic compared with the prior year. Mechanical thrombectomy volumes were preserved. These results suggest preservation in the stroke care of higher severity of disease through the first pandemic year.
Global Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Stroke Volumes and Cerebrovascular Events
Nguyen T. N.;Qureshi M. M.;Klein P.;Yamagami H.;Mikulik R.;Czlonkowska A.;Abdalkader M.;Sedova P.;Sathya A.;Lo H. C.;Mansour O. Y.;Vanguru H. R.;Lesaine E.;Tsivgoulis G.;Loochtan A. I.;Demeestere J.;Uchino K.;Inoa V.;Goyal N.;Charidimou A.;Siegler J. E.;Yaghi S.;Aguiar de Sousa D.;Mohammaden M. H.;Haussen D. C.;Kristoffersen E. S.;Lereis V. P.;Scollo S. D.;Campbell B. C. V.;Ma A.;Thomas J. O.;Parsons M. W.;Singhal S.;Slater L. -A.;Tomazini Martins R.;Enzinger C.;Gattringer T.;Rahman A.;Bonnet T.;Ligot N.;De Raedt S.;Lemmens R.;Vanacker P.;Vandervorst F.;Conforto A. B.;Hidalgo R. C. T.;de Oliveira Neves L.;Martins R. T.;Cuervo D. L. M.;Rebello L. C.;Santiago I. B.;da Silva I. L.;Sakelarova T.;Kalpachki R.;Alexiev F.;Catanese L.;Cora E. A.;Goyal M.;Hill M. D.;Kelly M. E.;Khosravani H.;Lavoie P.;Peeling L.;Pikula A.;Rivera R.;Chen H. -S.;Chen Y.;Huo X.;Miao Z.;Yang S.;Bedekovic M. R.;Bralic M.;Budincevic H.;Corredor-Quintero A. B.;Lara-Sarabia O. E.;Cabal M.;Tenora D.;Fibrich P.;Herzig R.;Hlavacova H.;Hrabanovska E.;Hlinovsky D.;Jurak L.;Kadlcikova J.;Karpowicz I.;Klecka L.;Kovar M.;Lauer D.;Neumann J.;Palouskova H.;Reiser M.;Rekova P.;Rohan V.;Skoda O.;Skorna M.;Sobotkova L.;Sramek M.;Zakova L.;Christensen H.;Drenck N.;Iversen H. K.;Truelsen T. C.;Wienecke T.;Sobh K.;Ylikotila P.;Alpay K.;Strbian D.;Bernady P.;Casenave P.;Dan M.;Faucheux J. -M.;Gentric J. -C.;Magro E.;Sabben C.;Reiner P.;Rouanet F.;Bohmann F. O.;Boskamp S.;Mbroh J.;Nagel S.;Nolte C. H.;Ringleb P. A.;Rosenkranz M.;Poli S.;Thomalla G.;Karapanayiotides T.;Koutroulou I.;Kargiotis O.;Palaiodimou L.;Guerra J. D. B.;Huded V.;Menon B.;Nagendra S.;Prajapati C.;Sylaja P. N.;Pramana N. A. K.;Sani A. F.;Ghoreishi A.;Farhoudi M.;Hokmabadi E. S.;Raya T. A.;Kalmanovich S. A.;Ronen L.;Sabetay S. I.;Acampa M.;Adami A.;Castellan L.;Longoni M.;Ornello R.;Renieri L.;Bigliani C. R.;Romoli M.;Sacco S.;Salmaggi A.;Sangalli D.;Zini A.;Doijiri R.;Fukuda H.;Fujinaka T.;Fujita K.;Imamura H.;Sakai N.;Kanamaru T.;Kimura N.;Kono R.;Miyake K.;Sakaguchi M.;Sakai K.;Sonoda K.;Todo K.;Miyashita F.;Tokuda N.;Matsumaru Y.;Matsumoto S.;Ohara N.;Shindo S.;Takenobu Y.;Yoshimoto T.;Toyoda K.;Uwatoko T.;Yagita Y.;Yamada T.;Yamamoto N.;Yamamoto R.;Yazawa Y.;Sugiura Y.;Waweru P. K.;Baek J. -H.;Lee S. B.;Seo K. -D.;Sohn S. -I.;Arsovska A. A.;Chan Y. C.;Zaidi W. A. W.;Jaafar A. S.;Gongora-Rivera F.;Martinez-Marino M.;Infante-Valenzuela A.;Groppa S.;Leahu P.;Coutinho J. M.;Rinkel L. A.;Dippel D. W. J.;van Dam-Nolen D. H. K.;Ranta A.;Wu T. Y.;Adebayo T. T.;Bello A. H.;Nwazor E. O.;Sunmonu T. A.;Wahab K. W.;Ronning O. M.;Sandset E. C.;Al Hashmi A. M.;Ahmad S.;Rashid U.;Rodriguez-Kadota L.;Vences M. A.;Yalung P. M.;Dy J. S. H.;Pineda-Franks M. C.;Co C. O.;Brola W.;Debiec A.;Dorobek M.;Karlinski M. A.;Labuz-Roszak B. M.;Lasek-Bal A.;Sienkiewicz-Jarosz H.;Staszewski J.;Sobolewski P.;Wiacek M.;Zielinska-Turek J.;Araujo A. P.;Rocha M.;Castro P.;Cruz V. T.;Ferreira P. V.;Ferreira P.;Nunes A. P.;Fonseca L.;Marto J. P.;Pinho e Melo T.;Rodrigues M.;Silva M. L.;Dimitriade A.;Falup-Pecurariu C.;Adel Hamid M.;Venketasubramanian N.;Krastev G.;Mako M.;Ayo-Martin O.;Hernandez-Fernandez F.;Blasco J.;Rodriguez-Vazquez A.;Cruz-Culebras A.;Moniche F.;Montaner J.;Perez-Sanchez S.;Sanchez M. J. G.;Rodriguez M. G.;Jood K.;Nordanstig A.;Mazya M. V.;Moreira T. T. P.;Bernava G.;Beyeler M.;Bolognese M.;Carrera E.;Dobrocky T.;Karwacki G. M.;Keller E.;Hsieh C. Y.;Boonyakarnkul S.;Churojana A.;Aykac O.;A-Zcan Ozdemir A.;Bajrami A.;Senadim S.;Hussain S. I.;John S.;Banerjee S.;Kwan J.;Krishnan K.;Lenthall R.;Matthews A.;Wong K.;Zhang L.;Altschul D.;Asif K. S.;Bahiru Z.;Below K.;Biller J.;Ruland S.;Chaudry S. A.;Chen M.;Chebl A.;Cibulka J.;Cistrunk L.;Clark J.;Colasurdo M.;Czap A.;de Havenon A.;D'Amato S.;Dharmadhikari S.;Grimmett K. B.;Dmytriw A. A.;Etherton M. R.;Ezepue C.;Farooqui M.;Feske S. K.;Fink L.;Gasimova U.;Guzik A. K.;Hakemi M.;Hovingh M.;Khan M.;Jillela D.;Kan P. T.;Khatri R.;Khawaja A. M.;Khoury N. N.;Kiley N. L.;Kim B. S.;Kolikonda M. K.;Kuhn A. L.;Lara S.;Linares G.;Linfante I.;Lukovits T. G.;Lycan S.;Male S. S.;Maali L.;Mancin J.;Masoud H.;Mohamed G. A.;Monteiro A.;Nahab F.;Nalleballe K.;Ortega-Gutierrez S.;Puri A. S.;Radaideh Y.;Rahangdale R. H.;Rai A.;Ramakrishnan P.;Reddy A. B.;Rojas-Soto D. M.;Romero J. R.;Rost N. S.;Rothstein A.;Omran S. S.;Sheth S. A.;Siddiqui A. H.;Starosciak A. K.;Tarlov N. E.;Taylor R. A.;Wang M. J.;Wolfe J.;Wong K. -H.;Le H. V.;Nguyen Q. V.;Pham T. N.;Nguyen T. T.;Phan H. T.;Ton M. D.;Fischer U.;Michel P.;Strambo D.;Martins S. O.;Zaidat O. O.;Nogueira R. G.
Background and Objectives Declines in stroke admission, IV thrombolysis (IVT), and mechanical thrombectomy volumes were reported during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a paucity of data on the longer-term effect of the pandemic on stroke volumes over the course of a year and through the second wave of the pandemic. We sought to measure the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the volumes of stroke admissions, intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), IVT, and mechanical thrombectomy over a 1-year period at the onset of the pandemic (March 1, 2020, to February 28, 2021) compared with the immediately preceding year (March 1, 2019, to February 29, 2020). Methods We conducted a longitudinal retrospective study across 6 continents, 56 countries, and 275 stroke centers. We collected volume data for COVID-19 admissions and 4 stroke metrics: ischemic stroke admissions, ICH admissions, IVT treatments, and mechanical thrombectomy procedures. Diagnoses were identified by their ICD-10 codes or classifications in stroke databases. Results There were 148,895 stroke admissions in the 1 year immediately before compared with 138,453 admissions during the 1-year pandemic, representing a 7% decline (95% CI [95% CI 7.1-6.9]; p < 0.0001). ICH volumes declined from 29,585 to 28,156 (4.8% [5.1-4.6]; p < 0.0001) and IVT volume from 24,584 to 23,077 (6.1% [6.4-5.8]; p < 0.0001). Larger declines were observed at high-volume compared with low-volume centers (all p < 0.0001). There was no significant change in mechanical thrombectomy volumes (0.7% [0.6-0.9]; p = 0.49). Stroke was diagnosed in 1.3% [1.31-1.38] of 406,792 COVID-19 hospitalizations. SARS-CoV-2 infection was present in 2.9% ([2.82-2.97], 5,656/195,539) of all stroke hospitalizations. Discussion There was a global decline and shift to lower-volume centers of stroke admission volumes, ICH volumes, and IVT volumes during the 1st year of the COVID-19 pandemic compared with the prior year. Mechanical thrombectomy volumes were preserved. These results suggest preservation in the stroke care of higher severity of disease through the first pandemic year.
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simulazione ASN
Il report seguente simula gli indicatori relativi alla propria produzione scientifica in relazione alle soglie ASN 2023-2025 del proprio SC/SSD. Si ricorda che il superamento dei valori soglia (almeno 2 su 3) è requisito necessario ma non sufficiente al conseguimento dell'abilitazione. La simulazione si basa sui dati IRIS e sugli indicatori bibliometrici alla data indicata e non tiene conto di eventuali periodi di congedo obbligatorio, che in sede di domanda ASN danno diritto a incrementi percentuali dei valori. La simulazione può differire dall'esito di un’eventuale domanda ASN sia per errori di catalogazione e/o dati mancanti in IRIS, sia per la variabilità dei dati bibliometrici nel tempo. Si consideri che Anvur calcola i valori degli indicatori all'ultima data utile per la presentazione delle domande.
La presente simulazione è stata realizzata sulla base delle specifiche raccolte sul tavolo ER del Focus Group IRIS coordinato dall’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e delle regole riportate nel DM 589/2018 e allegata Tabella A. Cineca, l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e il Focus Group IRIS non si assumono alcuna responsabilità in merito all’uso che il diretto interessato o terzi faranno della simulazione. Si specifica inoltre che la simulazione contiene calcoli effettuati con dati e algoritmi di pubblico dominio e deve quindi essere considerata come un mero ausilio al calcolo svolgibile manualmente o con strumenti equivalenti.