Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 2.566
NA - Nord America 2.230
AS - Asia 1.002
SA - Sud America 8
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
AF - Africa 1
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 5.813
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.220
IT - Italia 939
CN - Cina 383
IE - Irlanda 346
SG - Singapore 322
UA - Ucraina 304
TR - Turchia 235
SE - Svezia 229
FR - Francia 199
GB - Regno Unito 190
DE - Germania 114
FI - Finlandia 61
RU - Federazione Russa 59
PL - Polonia 54
IN - India 41
BE - Belgio 16
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 12
ES - Italia 12
CA - Canada 7
PT - Portogallo 7
DK - Danimarca 6
VN - Vietnam 6
BR - Brasile 5
EU - Europa 5
AT - Austria 4
HK - Hong Kong 3
JP - Giappone 3
NL - Olanda 3
RS - Serbia 3
GR - Grecia 2
IL - Israele 2
IR - Iran 2
PA - Panama 2
PE - Perù 2
AL - Albania 1
AU - Australia 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CO - Colombia 1
HR - Croazia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
ID - Indonesia 1
KR - Corea 1
MA - Marocco 1
MN - Mongolia 1
MX - Messico 1
MY - Malesia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PK - Pakistan 1
Totale 5.813
Città #
Chandler 390
Jacksonville 358
Dublin 338
Singapore 281
Princeton 168
Southend 150
Rome 142
Izmir 124
Nanjing 119
Ashburn 118
Dearborn 88
Beijing 74
Wilmington 70
Ann Arbor 66
Santa Clara 64
Cambridge 59
Salerno 58
Kraków 51
Nanchang 47
Pescara 46
Francavilla Al Mare 38
Milan 28
Altamura 27
Chieti 25
Kunming 24
Los Angeles 23
Boardman 21
Shenyang 21
Tianjin 21
Woodbridge 17
Jenzat 15
Brussels 14
New York 13
Palermo 13
Bologna 12
Florence 12
Hebei 12
Brno 11
Munich 11
Chicago 10
Jiaxing 10
Brindisi 9
Helsinki 9
Norwalk 9
Parma 9
Rende 9
Berlin 8
Changchun 8
Lozzolo 8
Torino 8
Washington 8
Changsha 7
Loiano 7
Trento 7
Dong Ket 6
Hangzhou 6
Jinan 6
Napoli 6
Orange 6
Redwood City 6
Seattle 6
Hefei 5
Kingston 5
Porto 5
Spoltore 5
Bolzano 4
Cagliari 4
Ferrero 4
Gallicano 4
Genova 4
Grevenbroich 4
Houston 4
Magenta 4
Manisa 4
Montecarlo 4
Montesilvano 4
Noicattaro 4
Padova 4
Pesaro 4
Pordenone 4
Teramo 4
Valdagno 4
Zhengzhou 4
Amsterdam 3
Barcelona 3
Belgrade 3
Bursa 3
Catania 3
Cava De' Tirreni 3
Clifton 3
Corinaldo 3
Falconara Marittima 3
Gualtieri 3
Guangzhou 3
Lyngby 3
Monterotondo 3
Ortona 3
Roseto Degli Abruzzi 3
Shanghai 3
Tappahannock 3
Totale 3.480
Nome #
Spatial regimes in regional European growth: an iterated spatially weighted regression approach. 143
Spatial heterogeneity in principal component analysis: a study of deprivation index on Italian provinces. 137
Spatial sampling for agricultural data 133
Un metodo interpolativo per la diffusione dei dati statistici 132
A Bayesian Approach to Parameter Estimation in the Presence of Spatial Missing Data 122
Modeling the Impact of Technological Innovation on Environmental Efficiency: A Spatial Panel Data Approach 117
Spatial Clusters in EU Productivity Growth 117
Economic inequality, spatial scale, and spatial concentration 116
Forecasting with Mixed Data Sampling Models (MIDAS) and Google trends data: the case of car sales in Italy 115
Spatially Balanced Sampling: A Review and A Reappraisal 115
A two-step approach to account for unobserved spatial heterogeneity 111
Spatial analysis of grey water in Italian cereals crop production 110
Sampling spatial units for agricultural surveys 109
A regression tree algorithm for the identification of convergence clubs 107
Alternative and complementary approaches to spatially balanced samples 107
Spatial prediction of agricultural crop yield 104
Statistics in agriculture production 102
Modelli spaziali per dati panel per lo studio della convergenza economica regionale 99
Using Constrained Optimization for the Identification of Convergence Clubs 99
Advances in the use of remote sensing in Land Use/Land Cover Surveys 96
Developing more efficient and accurate methods for the use of remote sensing in agricultural statistics 96
On the use of Google Trend data as covariates in nowcasting: Sampling and modeling issues. 95
Discriminant analysis using markovian automodels 94
Modelli spaziali di regressione quantilica per l’analisi della convergenza economica regionale 94
Climate variability in agriculture and crop water requirement: Spatial analysis of Italian provinces 93
Spatial approach to economic convergence: an empirical analysis of EU NUTS 2 regions 92
Le componenti principali pesate geograficamente per la definizione di indicatori compositi locali 92
Spatial discriminant analysis using covariates information 88
Spatially balanced samples for land use/land cover surveys 88
MCMC selection of spatially and doubly balanced samples 88
A spatial mixed model for sectorial labour market data 86
Spatial heterogeneity in the productivity growth of EU regions 86
Measuring the Spatial Dimension of Regional Inequality: An Approach Based on the Gini Correlation Measure 86
Spatial method for the forecast of agricultural data 85
Specialization, R&D and productivity growth: Evidence from EU regions 84
Principal component analysis for geographical data: the role of spatial effects in the definition of composite indicators 83
Sampling and modelling issues using big data in now-casting 80
Metodi statistici per la stima della copertura del suolo con dati a terra e da satellite 79
Spatial econometric methods in agricultural economics using R 77
The role of spatial dependence in regional convergence of per-capita income 76
The effects of capital inflows on the economic growth in the Med Area 75
Analisi di immagini telerilevate: una rassegna di metodi e tecniche 75
Esercizi di Statistica Economica 73
Spatial hierarchical analysis of Italian regions 71
Heterogeneity in the economic growth of European Regions: an adaptive geographically weighted regression approach 71
Unemployment analysis in the Med area 70
Semiparametric modelling of spatial binary observations 70
Does economic convergence hold? A spatial quantile analysis on European regions 70
Discussione su "Il grado di interazione tra Mezzogiorno e Centro Nord: evidenze empiriche da un modello VAR multi-regionale 67
Una rassegna del software per la stima di modelli di econometria spaziale 64
Economic convergence in EU NUTS 3 regions: A spatial econometric perspective 63
Hierarchical spatial interaction among the Italian regions: A nonlinear relative dynamics approach 61
La rilevazione diretta di informazioni congiunturali sulle coltivazioni: situazione attuale e possibili sviluppi 61
Deliverable 3.3 - Report on economic growth and spatial inequalities. IMAJINE WP3 Territorial Inequalities and Economic Growth. 57
A deeper look at impacts in spatial Durbin model with sphet 54
null 53
Economic growth in Italian NUTS 3 provinces 52
Economic growth in MENA countries: Is there convergence of per-capita GDPs? 52
Forecasting aggregated Euro area inflation rate with space-time models 50
La raccolta dei dati 49
Indicatori ed indici statistici 48
Regional economic growth and the effect of Information Communication Technology: What is beyond the expected value? 46
null 46
Local stationarity of spatial regression models 46
null 44
Evaluating the effects of heteroscedasticity on the economic growth of EU regions 44
Heteroscedasticity in the analysis of regional economic convergence 44
Deliverable 2.1 - Review of official data. IMAJINE WP2 Analysis of Territorial Inequalities in Europe. 44
New evidence on measuring the geographical concentration of economic activities 44
Advanced Methods to Design Samples for Land Use/Land Cover Surveys 40
Deliverable 3.2 - Report on economic growth in EU territories. IMAJINE WP3 Territorial Inequalities and Economic Growth. 40
The impact of regional inequality on economic growth: a spatial econometric approach 38
Regional economic disparities, spatial dependence and proximity structures 37
Deliverable 2.2 - Literature review on disaggregation methodologies. IMAJINE WP2 Analysis of Territorial Inequalities in Europe. 37
Appunti di Statistica di Base per le Scienze Economiche 36
Basic concepts 35
null 33
Deliverable 2.4 - Report on inequality indexes at local level. IMAJINE WP2 Analysis of Territorial Inequalities in Europe. 33
New directions for regional analysis: Methods and applications 32
Constrained optimization for addressing spatial heterogeneity in principal component analysis: an application to composite indicators 30
Cross-sectional spatial regression models for measuring agricultural β-convergence 29
Spatial filtering techniques for the definition of spatial non-compensatory indices 28
Spatial quantile regression for modelling the impact of digital transformation on European regional economic growth 26
Alternative Non-normal Specifications 26
A non-compensatory deprivation index at municipality level for Italy 24
Regional inequality, spatial dependence, and proximity structures: An application to EU regions. 22
A new approach for measuring poverty or social exclusion reduction in European NUTS 2 regions 16
The identification of industrial districts through multivariate mixed models 16
Segmentazione vincolata di immagini telerilevate 15
The spatial dimension of economic inequality in Italy. 9
Spatial panel regression models in agriculture 9
Totale 6.308
Categoria #
all - tutte 24.431
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 24.431

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020554 0 0 0 0 81 62 119 74 49 54 90 25
2020/2021680 68 11 135 9 42 97 12 50 19 81 139 17
2021/2022413 10 9 3 34 28 4 23 43 33 20 55 151
2022/20231.244 120 125 73 121 124 238 70 87 185 14 41 46
2023/2024617 40 33 37 23 23 164 127 55 7 27 7 74
2024/2025591 106 248 164 59 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.308