SEGRE, Michael
SEGRE, Michael
Accademia e società
2004-01-01 Segre, Michael
Applying Popperian Didactics
2009-01-01 Segre, Michael
Astronomy, Astrology and Historiography
2006-01-01 Segre, Michael
Critical Rationalism as Therapy
2017-01-01 Segre, Michael
Der ungebändigte Galilei
2001-01-01 Segre, Michael; Eberhard, Knobloch
Die frühe Biographie in der Geschichte der Mathematik
1998-01-01 Segre, Michael
2001-01-01 Segre, Michael; Eberhard, Knobloch
Ermeneutica ebraica, ermeneutica cattolica, tradizione e scienza
2001-01-01 Segre, Michael
Four Century Later: How to Close the Galileo Case?
2012-01-01 Segre, Michael
Frühe Galilei-Historiographie - Einige neue Dokumente
1989-01-01 Segre, Michael
Galilean School
2000-01-01 Segre, Michael
Galilei und die Medici: Post-Renaissance Mäzenatentum oder Postmoderne Geschichtsschreibung?
2008-01-01 Segre, Michael
Galilei und seine Schüler
1997-01-01 Segre, Michael
Galilei, Galileo
2000-01-01 Segre, Michael
Galileis Empirismus: eine historiographische Ausrede?
2005-01-01 Segre, Michael
Galileo and the Medici: Post-Renaissance Patronage or Post-Modern Historiography?
2017-01-01 Segre, Michael
Galileo as a Politician
1988-01-01 Segre, Michael
Galileo, Viviani and the Tower of Pisa
1989-01-01 Segre, Michael
Galileo: a 'rehabilitation' that has never taken place
1999-01-01 Segre, Michael
Hielt Johannes Paul II. sein Versprechen?
2001-01-01 Segre, Michael