"'If the Master Does not Vanish': The Power of Henry James’s Legacy in Leslie Marmon Silko"
2019-01-01 Martinez, Carlo
"A Native Gone Tourist? Henry James, Travel, and 'The American Scene'"
2016-01-01 Martinez, Carlo
"A Work of Genius is but the Newspaper of a Century": il gionalismo nei racconti giovanili di Nathaniel Hawthorne
2014-01-01 Martinez, Carlo
"Introduzione: Il palinsesto dei paesaggi americani"
2016-01-01 Martinez, Carlo
"La cerimonia dell'ecologia in 'The Turquoise Ledge' di Leslie Marmon Silko"
2013-01-01 Martinez, Carlo
"Le Cascate del Niagara e i paradossi del paesaggio americano"
2016-01-01 Martinez, Carlo
"The Aroma of Personality": The Sage of Concord and the Master.
2002-01-01 Martinez, Carlo
"The Effervescence of a Moment”: Hawthorne, Poe, the Penny Press, and the Manifold Temporalities of Antebellum Short Fiction
2023-01-01 Martinez, Carlo
"The Science of Criticism": la scrittura critica fra consumo e arte
2000-01-01 Martinez, Carlo
"The thin delights of moonshine and romance": Romance, Tourism, and Realism in Hawthorne’s The Marble Faun
2018-01-01 Martinez, Carlo
"Vedere con i propri occhi": sguardo del turista e realismo in The Innocents Abroad di Mark Twain
2014-01-01 Martinez, Carlo
'The Heresy of The Didactic': Poe, the Literary Field, and the Aestheticization of the Market
2018-01-01 Martinez, C.
Attraverso gli Abruzzi con Mattie e Harriet
2024-01-01 Martinez, Carlo
DISPERSING THE FIELD AS “RECIPROCAL HEALING”: A Response to Mena Mitrano’s “American Studies as Italian Theory”
2017-01-01 Martinez, Carlo
E. A. Poe's "Hans Pfaall," the Penny Press, and the Autonomy of the Literary Field
2011-01-01 Martinez, Carlo
Emerson and Italian Pedagogy 1886-1936
2004-01-01 Martinez, Carlo
Emerson at 200. Proceedings of the International Bicentennial Conference
2004-01-01 Mariani, Giorgio; DI LORETO, Sonia; Martinez, Carlo; Scannavini, Anna; Tattoni, Igina
Emerson, l’Appalachia, la storia: Generations di John Egerton
2003-01-01 Martinez, Carlo
Emilio Cecchi, il giornalismo culturale e la nascita dell’americanistica italiana
2022-01-01 Martinez, Carlo
Henry James and the Tourist Imagination
2008-01-01 Martinez, Carlo