104.40 A simple evaluation of the probability integral
2020-01-01 DI BIASE, Fausto
A potential theoretic approach to twisting
2006-01-01 Arcozzi, Nicola; casadio tarabusi, Enrico; DI BIASE, Fausto; picardello angelo, Massimo
Accessible points, harmonic measure, and the Riemann mapping
2010-01-01 DI BIASE, Fausto; Weiss, Tomasz
An algorithm to calculate the kernel of certain polynomial ring homomorphisms
1995-01-01 DI BIASE, Fausto; URBANKE Ruediger, Leo
Approach Regions for trees and the unit disc
1996-01-01 Arcozzi, Nicola; DI BIASE, Fausto; URBANKE Ruediger, Leo
Boundary behaviour of H p functions on convex domains of finite type in C n
1998-01-01 DI BIASE, Fausto; Fausto, Fischer; Bert,
Euler, Stirling, and Wallis: A Case Study in the Notion of Equivalence Between Theorems
2019-01-01 DI BIASE, Fausto
Exotic convergence in theorems of Fatou type
1997-01-01 DI BIASE, Fausto
Fatou Type Theorems. Maximal functions and approach regions.
1998-01-01 DI BIASE, Fausto
Foundations of Fatou Theory and a Tribute to the Work of E. M. Stein on Boundary Behavior of Holomorphic Functions
2021-01-01 Di Biase, Fausto; Krantz, Steven G.
Il disastro della scuola e l'insostenibile rilancio della sua autonomia
2021-01-01 Di Remigio, Paolo; DI BIASE, Fausto
Il primato della teoresi
2021-01-01 Di Remigio, Paolo; DI BIASE, Fausto
La riforma permanente della scuola
2021-01-01 Di Remigio, Paolo; DI BIASE, Fausto
Le scuole di cui abbiamo bisogno e perché non le abbiamo
2024-01-01 Di Remigio, Paolo; DI BIASE, Fausto
Lindelöf theorems for monotone Sobolev functions in Orlicz spaces
2013-01-01 DI BIASE, Fausto; Toshihide, Futamura; Tetsu, Shimomura
2017-01-01 DI BIASE, Fausto
On tangential approach regions for bounded harmonic functions in the unit disc
2003-01-01 DI BIASE, Fausto; Stokolos, Alexander; Svensson, Olof; Weiss, Tomasz
On the boundary behavior of holomorphic and harmonic functions
2013-01-01 DI BIASE, Fausto
On the Differentiation of Integrals in Measure Spaces Along Filters
2022-01-01 Di Biase, Fausto; Krantz, Steven G.
On the Differentiation of Integrals in Measure Spaces Along Filters: II
2024-01-01 Di Biase, Fausto; Krantz, Steven G.