VERNA, Nicola
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.014
EU - Europa 1.821
AS - Asia 1.290
AF - Africa 4
SA - Sud America 4
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
OC - Oceania 2
Totale 5.138
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.001
CN - Cina 454
SG - Singapore 446
UA - Ucraina 405
IE - Irlanda 309
TR - Turchia 306
SE - Svezia 241
GB - Regno Unito 203
IT - Italia 201
DE - Germania 154
FR - Francia 121
FI - Finlandia 85
IN - India 66
RU - Federazione Russa 60
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 14
IR - Iran 9
CA - Canada 7
IL - Israele 6
MX - Messico 6
PL - Polonia 6
BE - Belgio 5
CH - Svizzera 4
NL - Olanda 4
EU - Europa 3
GR - Grecia 3
RO - Romania 3
UG - Uganda 3
AU - Australia 2
BR - Brasile 2
PE - Perù 2
KR - Corea 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MD - Moldavia 1
NP - Nepal 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
VN - Vietnam 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 5.138
Città #
Jacksonville 464
Singapore 395
Chandler 321
Dublin 304
Southend 174
Princeton 162
Izmir 149
Nanjing 116
Santa Clara 95
Dearborn 88
Beijing 80
Cambridge 77
Wilmington 73
Altamura 52
Grevenbroich 50
Nanchang 42
Ashburn 41
Shenyang 36
Ann Arbor 35
Boardman 27
Woodbridge 26
Hebei 23
Tianjin 23
Jiaxing 22
Jinan 13
Kunming 13
Norwalk 12
Rome 12
Changsha 11
Hangzhou 11
Ningbo 11
Helsinki 10
Washington 10
Brno 9
Chieti 9
Guangzhou 9
Augusta 8
Los Angeles 8
San Mateo 8
Houston 7
Milan 7
Munich 7
Orange 7
Zhengzhou 7
Andover 6
Ardabil 6
Kraków 6
Lanzhou 6
New York 6
Auburn Hills 5
Brussels 5
Mexico City 5
Moscow 5
Pescara 5
Florence 4
Leawood 4
Monmouth Junction 4
Olomouc 4
Seattle 4
Adria 3
Gallarate 3
Hefei 3
Kampala 3
Mississauga 3
Sector 5 3
Taizhou 3
Aquila 2
Barzanò 2
Belmont-sur-Lausanne 2
Cassino 2
Changchun 2
Düsseldorf 2
Haikou 2
L'aquila 2
Mumbai 2
Padova 2
San Giuliano Terme 2
San Vito Chietino 2
Shanghai 2
Toronto 2
Torre del Greco 2
Walnut 2
Wuhan 2
Amsterdam 1
Anyang 1
Athens 1
Ballinamore 1
Bangalore 1
Bologna 1
Bratislava 1
Brisbane 1
Caxias do Sul 1
Cesena 1
Chengdu 1
Chongqing 1
Coralville 1
Daejeon 1
Dalian 1
Delebio 1
Dong Ket 1
Totale 3.211
Nome #
Systemic nickel allergy syndrome: An update. 114
Increase in CD45RO+ cells and activated eosinophils in chronic allergic conjunctivitis. 102
Asthma worsened by benzoate contained in some antiasthmatic drugs. 100
In vitro effects of nickel-sulphate on immune functions of normal and nickel-allergic subjects: a regulatory role for zinc. 99
Early cytokine modulation after the rapid induction phase of sublingual immunotherapy with mite monomeric allergoids 94
Allergens in occupational allergy. prevention and management. 93
null 91
Immunotoxicity and sensitizing capacity of metal compounds depend on speciation 91
Cobalt nano-particles modulate cytokine in vitro release by human mononuclear cells mimicking autoimmune disease. 91
Nickel systemic contact dermatitis. 89
Genetic haemochromatosis with normal transferrin saturation in a man with cholangiocarcinoma and “yellow nail syndrome”. 88
Allergen immunotherapy: an effective immune-modifier. 87
Cavitating BOOP associated with Myeloperoxidase deficiency in a floor cleaner with an incidental heavy exposure to benzalkonium compounds. 86
Study of the gastric mucosal reactivity in patients with urticaria induced by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. 84
In vitro effects of vanadate on human immune functions 84
Interleukin-17 and the interleukin-17 family member network. 82
Interaction connecting leptin-obesity-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. 82
Inhibitory effects of cadmium on peripheral blood mononuclear cell proliferation and cytokine release are reversed by zinc and selenium salts 82
Studio degli effetti in vitro sul sistema immunitario dei metalli emessi dalle marmitte catalitiche 81
Asma bronchiale allergico professionale degli agricoltori: Markers di atopia, mediatori della flogosi e rischio di cronicizzazione dell’asma. 80
A seroepidemiological study of toxoplasma gondii infection in children of northern Greece. 79
Neurobehavioral function, serum prolattin and plasma rennin activity of manganese-exposed workers. 79
Blood and urine trace elements and immunological parameters in men with different environmental exposure 78
The persistence of allergen exposure favours the decline in pulmonary function in allergic asthmatic workers. 77
Cyclosporin-A in allergic diseases 77
Immune effects of nickel. 76
Inflammation, bronchial hyperreactivity and progression of asthma. A 5-years follow-up study in grass sensitised farmers. 76
Eosinophil recruiting chemokines are down-regulated in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of allergic patients treated with deflazacort or desloratadine. 75
Steroid and antihistamines modulate RANTES release in cultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells of atopic patients. 75
Preliminary study on the effects of electromagnetic fields on immune activity of humans 75
Respiratory allergy in agriculture. 74
Umbilical cord haematopoietic stem cell model as potential human transformation assay for immunotoxicity and carcinogenesis of metal compounds 73
The persistence of allergen exposure accelerates the decline in the pulmonary function of workers with occupational asthma. 71
Associazioni particolari dell'orticaria 71
Common variable immunodeficiency and eosinophilic fasciitis. 69
“In vitro” immune effects of metals emitted from catalytic converters. 69
Esposizione agli allergeni in ambiente di lavoro: prevenzione e management. 69
Recenti studi in vitro sugli effetti immunotossici dei metalli 68
Cardiac sarcoidosis presenting as heerfordt's syndrome 66
In vitro cytokine modulation by cobalt nano- and microparticles and solutions. 66
Immunotoxicity of metal compounds depends on speciation 66
Antihistamines. 65
Cavitary Legionella pneumonia in a patient with immunodeficiency due to Hyper-IgE syndrome. 64
Occupational eosinophilic bronchitis in a foundry worker exposed to isocyanate and a baker exposed to flour. 63
Correlazione tra livelli di IgE e produzione in vitro di Rantes da PBMC 63
Usefullnes of serum tryptase as biomarker of occupational anaphylaxis 63
Occupational asthma due to low molecular weight agents. 61
Simple renal cysts in hypertensive patients: Relation between cyst growing and anti-hypertensive therapy. 61
Prevalence and risk factors for latex-related diseases among healthcare workers in an Italian general hospital. 60
Inflammation, bronchial reactivity and progression of asthma. A five-year follow-up of peasants with allergic asthma induced by grass pollen. 59
Metal nanoparticle health risk assessment 59
Inflammation, Bronchial Hyperreactivity and progression of asthma 58
In vitro effects of platinum compounds on lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine release 58
Immunoterapia specifica in agricoltori allergici a veleno di vespa crabro: nostra esperienza 55
Immune effects of electromagnetic fields: in vitro study. 55
Lymphocyte subset changes in blood and gastrointestinal mucosa after oral nickel challenge in nickel-sensitized women 54
Efficacia e tollerabilità dell’ITS per veleno di imenotteri con mantenimento trimestrale. 54
Immune and neurobehavioral function alterations in women with lead workplace exposure 54
Occupational Asthma due to isocyanate: assessment of incidence by occupation and immunological evaluation of cases 54
Exposure to disinfectants: a cause of asthma among healthcare workers 53
Usefulness of tryptase as biomarker of occupational anaphylaxis 52
Le reazioni avverse a farmaci negli ultrasettantenni: casistica personale 50
Variable immune system involvement in response to acute pesticide exposure. 50
Safety and efficacy of rush immunotherapy for insect venom allergy in beekeepers: our experience. 49
Probiotics and food-allergic diseases. 48
Occupational respiratory diseases in farmers. 47
Heterogeneity of occupational asthma induced by isocyanates. 47
Influence of total IgE and seasonal increase of eosinophil cationic protein on bronchial hyperreactivity in asthmatic grass-sensitized farmers 46
Il Rantes e l’MCP-1 sono differentemente espressi e secreti dalle PBMC di pazienti atopici. 46
Immune toxiciy and sensitizing capacity of metals depend on speciation 46
Nickel Systemic Allergy Syndrome 43
“In vitro” immunotoxicity of arsenic compounds used in agricolture. 37
Inflammation, bronchial hyperreactivity and progression of asthma. Five year follow-up study in grass sensitised farmers. 37
Farmer occupational asthma: atopy, inflammation and progression of disease. 34
Interrelationship between Asthma and Functional Bowel Disease 33
Pulmonary response to environmental and occupational pollutants 32
Totale 5.323
Categoria #
all - tutte 20.208
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 20.208

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020517 0 0 0 0 0 52 143 99 21 105 97 0
2020/2021445 81 0 82 7 24 99 5 2 17 76 39 13
2021/2022305 2 4 5 63 30 1 13 30 22 4 33 98
2022/2023969 97 131 70 83 105 197 71 54 118 12 17 14
2023/2024396 30 13 34 15 24 95 87 14 3 17 0 64
2024/2025828 87 399 277 17 25 23 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.323