Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 2.569
NA - Nord America 2.280
AS - Asia 1.515
SA - Sud America 47
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 11
AF - Africa 4
OC - Oceania 3
Totale 6.429
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.276
IT - Italia 784
CN - Cina 594
SG - Singapore 451
TR - Turchia 420
IE - Irlanda 398
UA - Ucraina 345
SE - Svezia 314
AT - Austria 261
DE - Germania 134
RU - Federazione Russa 117
FI - Finlandia 97
BR - Brasile 45
GB - Regno Unito 36
FR - Francia 35
VN - Vietnam 22
BE - Belgio 11
EU - Europa 10
IN - India 7
NL - Olanda 7
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
CA - Canada 4
CH - Svizzera 4
LU - Lussemburgo 4
MA - Marocco 4
MV - Maldive 4
PL - Polonia 4
PS - Palestinian Territory 4
LT - Lituania 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
AU - Australia 2
ES - Italia 2
PK - Pakistan 2
PT - Portogallo 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AR - Argentina 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CO - Colombia 1
DK - Danimarca 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
IQ - Iraq 1
JO - Giordania 1
LB - Libano 1
LI - Liechtenstein 1
MM - Myanmar 1
MN - Mongolia 1
MY - Malesia 1
NP - Nepal 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
SI - Slovenia 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 6.429
Città #
Jacksonville 537
Dublin 384
Singapore 370
Chandler 291
Vienna 261
Princeton 207
Izmir 166
Nanjing 150
Beijing 134
Altamura 105
Santa Clara 92
Ashburn 90
Cambridge 83
Wilmington 76
Dearborn 67
Nanchang 64
Chieti 63
Ann Arbor 58
Rome 36
Shenyang 35
Tianjin 33
Saint Petersburg 31
Boardman 30
Pescara 30
Kunming 29
Bellante 28
Dong Ket 22
Romola 22
Hebei 21
Milan 20
Torino 20
Norwalk 16
Washington 15
Bologna 13
Helsinki 12
Los Angeles 12
New York 12
Brussels 11
Jiaxing 11
Palermo 11
Bari 10
Changchun 10
Changsha 10
Chicago 10
Seattle 10
Hangzhou 9
Woodbridge 9
Frankfurt am Main 8
London 8
Teramo 8
Avezzano 7
Edinburgh 7
Jinan 7
Montemarciano 7
Munich 7
Taizhou 7
Boscoreale 6
Falls Church 6
Houston 6
Lappeenranta 6
Turin 6
Brno 5
Cagliari 5
Nicotera 5
Potsdam 5
Redwood City 5
Shanghai 5
Venafro 5
Zhengzhou 5
Campobasso 4
Casablanca 4
Fuzhou 4
Gallarate 4
Istanbul 4
Keispelt 4
Lanciano 4
Lanzhou 4
Malé 4
Moscow 4
Pune 4
Warsaw 4
Zurich 4
Andover 3
Empoli 3
Fairfield 3
Fano 3
Gießen 3
Giulianova 3
Messina 3
Montesilvano 3
Nablus 3
Napoli 3
Ningbo 3
Richardson 3
Scilla 3
St Petersburg 3
Stockholm 3
Trieste 3
Urbino 3
Ascoli Piceno 2
Totale 3.977
Nome #
Alexithymia and depression. Comparison of different measures [Alessitimia e depressione. Confronto tra diversi strumenti di misura] 124
The role of alexithymia and gastrointestinal-specific anxiety as predictors of treatment outcome in irritable bowel syndrome 117
Psychological factors in medical disorders assessed with the diagnostic criteria for psychosomatic research 105
Integrating the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure and Rorschach Composite Measures for exploring psychopathological patterns of mental functioning 102
Alexithymia predicts attrition and outcome in weight-loss obesity treatment 102
Assessing somatization in functional gastrointestinal disorders: Integration of different criteria 101
Neurobiological correlates of interpersonal relationships and disease risk factors 97
Alexithymia in gastroenterology and hepatology: A systematic review 96
Alexithymia and binge eating in obese outpatients who are starting a weight-loss program: A structural equation analysis 94
Gambling problems and alexithymia: A systematic review 93
Assessment of alexithymia with the rorschach comprehensive system: The Rorschach Alexithymia Scale (RAS) 92
The role of alexithymia in quality of life impairment in patients with chronic hepatitis C during antiviral treatment 89
An international study of irritable bowel syndrome: Family relationships and mind-body attributions 88
Chronic functional constipation is strongly linked to vitamin D deficiency 88
A cross-cultural investigation of attachment style, catastrophizing, negative pain beliefs, and symptom severity in irritable bowel syndrome 85
Psychological factors affecting functional gastrointestinal disorders 84
A prospective study of the relationship between disease activity and psychologic distress in patients with inflammatory bowel disease 80
A longitudinal study of alexithymia and psychological distress in inflammatory bowel disease 80
Serotonin gene polymorphisms and lifetime mood disorders in predicting interferon-induced depression in chronic hepatitis C 80
Construct validity of Rorschach variables for alexithymia 80
Alexithymia in inflammatory bowel disease. A case-control study 79
Rorschach comprehensive system predictors of biopsychological distress in patients with chronic disease 78
Alexithymia and severe psychopathology: a study on psychiatric inpatients. 75
Alexithymia and Psychopathology in Patients with Psychiatric and Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders 74
Alexithymia and gastrointestinal-specific anxiety in moderate to severe irritable bowel syndrome 73
Somatization syndromes in the DSM-5 [I disturbi di somatizzazione nel DSM-5] 72
Alexithymia and cancer pain: The effect of psychological intervention 72
Psychological factors in medical disorders assessed with the diagnostic criteria for psychosomatic research 72
Validation of the Italian version of the clinical outcomes in routine evaluation outcome measure (CORE-OM) 72
A cluster analysis-derived classification of psychological distress and illness behavior in the medically ill 71
Subtyping demoralization in the medically ill by cluster analysis 71
Psychosomatic characterization of adjustment disorders in the medical setting: Some suggestions for DSM-V 70
Human Movement Responses to the Rorschach and Mirroring Activity: An fMRI Study 70
Alexithymia, coping, and illness behavior correlates of pain experience in cancer patients 69
Alexithymia and metabolic syndrome: the mediating role of binge eating 69
Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine: Preface 68
Re: Rief W, Sharpe M. Somatoform disorders. New approaches to classification, conceptualization, and treatment. 66
Alexithymia as predictor of treatment outcome in patients with functional gastrointestinal disorders 66
Type A behaviour: A reappraisal of its characteristics in cardiovascular disease 66
Integration of multiple criteria for psychosomatic assessment of dermatological patients 65
Genetic Associations of Alexithymia in Predicting Interferon-Induced Depression in Chronic Hepatitis C 64
Alexithymia and global psychosocial functioning: A study on patients with skin disease 64
Alexithymia in the medically ill. Analysis of 1190 patients in gastroenterology, cardiology, oncology and dermatology 64
Alexithymia and functional gastrointestinal disorders. A comparison with inflammatory bowel disease 63
The "Feeling of Movement": Notes on the rorschach human movement response 63
Effects of Psychological Intervention in Glycemic Control of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Integrated Primary Care Setting 62
What is the “weight” of body mass index on sexual functioning in women? A mediation model 62
Subtyping depression in the medically ill by cluster analysis 61
Functional gastrointestinal disorders and eating disorders: Relevance of the association in clinical management 61
Alexithymia and treatment outcome: Review on the role of alexithymia [Review sul ruolo dell'alexithymia nell'esito del trattamento] 61
Effects of different psychophysiological stressors on the cutaneous electrogastrogram in healthy subjects 61
null 61
Multisomatoform disorder [4] (multiple letters) 60
Psychological distress and levels of disease activity in inflammatory bowel disease 58
Temporal stability of alexithymia in cancer patients following a psychological intervention 58
The spectrum of anxiety disorders in the medically ill 58
Prediction of treatment outcome of patients with functional gastrointestinal disorders by the Diagnostic Criteria for Psychosomatic Research 58
Anniversary reactions in medical patients 57
Construct validation of the Rorschach Reality-Fantasy scale in alexithymia 57
Appendix 2. Interview for the diagnostic criteria for psychosomatic research 57
Il corpo malato in gastroenterologia 54
Irritable bowel syndrome: An international study of symptoms in eight countries 54
The effects of neurological priming on the Rorschach: A pilot experiment on the human movement response 54
The Clinical Utility of the Diagnostic Criteria for Psychosomatic Research: A Review of Studies 52
Mu suppression and human movement responses to the Rorschach test 52
Disabling outcome and psychological disorders in a patient with enterostomy [ESITI INVALIDANTI E DISTURBI PSICOLOGICI NEL PAZIENTE PORTATORE DI ENTEROSTOMIA] 51
Body Image Index in the Rorschach test in ulcerative proctocolitis [Body-Image Index al test di Rorschach nella rettocolite ulcerosa.] 51
Fear, anxiety and health-related consequences after the COVID-19 epidemic 51
Alexithymia and Physical Illness: A Psychosomatic Approach 51
Contemporary developments in psychosomatics [Sviluppi contemporanei della psicosomatica] 50
Somatization symptoms or interferon-related adverse events? Alexithymia and somatization in somatic symptom reporting of patients with chronic hepatitis C 50
Assessing somatization with various diagnostic criteria 49
Reliability and validity of the Toronto Structured Interview for Alexithymia in a mixed clinical and nonclinical sample from Italy 49
Assessing demoralization and depression in the setting of medical disease 49
Non-fearful panic disorder in gastroenterology 49
Is alexithymia related to negative symptoms of schizophrenia? A preliminary longitudinal study 49
The feeling of movement: EEG evidence for mirroring activity during the observations of static, ambiguous stimuli in the Rorschach cards 48
Influence of DCPR Syndromes in the Psychosocial Functioning of Patients with Major Depressive and Bipolar Disorders 48
Psychological abnormalities in patients with irritable bowel syndrome 47
Psychosomatic syndromes and symptom severity in chronic psoriasis 47
Bowel obsession syndrome in a patient with ulcerative colitis 46
Criterion-related validity of the diagnostic criteria for psychosomatic research for Alexithymia in patients with functional gastrointestinal disorders 46
Sense of meaning influences mental functioning in chronic renal patients 46
The scientific assessment of personality. Empirical evidence and environmental contexts 46
Persistent dyspepsia after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The influence of psychological factors 45
Criteria for psychosomatic research (DCPR) in the medical setting 45
Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search 45
The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 in Italy: Worry Leads to Protective Behavior, but at the Cost of Anxiety 45
Burnout Status of Italian Healthcare Workers during the First COVID-19 Pandemic Peak Period 45
Prevalence of allostatic overload syndrome in patients with chronic cardiovascular disease 44
Distinct associations of DSM-5 Somatic Symptom Disorder, the Diagnostic Criteria for Psychosomatic Research-Revised (DCPR-R) and symptom severity in patients with irritable bowel syndrome 44
Influence of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Disease Activity and Quality of Life in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients 44
Psychosocial functioning in consultation-liaison psychiatry patients: Influence of psychosomatic syndromes, psychopathology and somatization 43
Introduction to the special issue on personality assessment in medical settings 43
Psychological disorders in enterostomal patients. The influence of age [DISTURBI PSICOLOGICI IN PAZIENTI PORTATORI DI ENTEROSTOMIA. INFLUENZA DELL'ETA] 43
Rorschach Comprehensive System. Manuale di siglatura e interpretazione. 43
The ego impairment index and the reality-fantasy scale: Comment on Viglione, Perry, and Meyer (2003) 42
The influence of alexithymia on persistent symptoms of dyspepsia after laparoscopic cholecystectomy 42
Autonomic dysregulation in the depressive spectrum: Role of dQT evaluation in the depressive disorders as index of cardiological risk [Disfunzione autonomica nello spettro depressivo: Ruolo della valutazione del dQT nei disturbi depressivi quale indice di rischio cardiologico] 42
Emotional symptoms, quality of life and cytokine profile in hemodialysis patients 41
Totale 6.390
Categoria #
all - tutte 30.156
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 30.156

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020566 0 0 0 0 0 58 137 106 33 98 130 4
2020/2021577 95 5 111 72 23 126 30 10 61 8 9 27
2021/2022495 18 4 8 79 25 8 32 37 57 18 61 148
2022/20231.248 137 196 86 69 85 243 91 93 161 19 39 29
2023/2024696 48 18 37 28 61 190 134 38 21 24 22 75
2024/20251.076 184 383 260 98 73 78 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.976