DE MASSIS, Alfredo Vittorio
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
AS - Asia 26
EU - Europa 5
Totale 31
Nazione #
SG - Singapore 17
HK - Hong Kong 8
IT - Italia 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
Totale 31
Città #
Singapore 12
Hong Kong 8
Milan 1
Sharjah 1
Totale 22
Nome #
Harry, Meghan e la lezione per le dynasty italiane 5
Family's Ability and Willingness: Determinants of FB Behavior 2
Entrepreneurship Research Centers: resource, orientation and performance 2
Are Narcissistic CEOs Good or Bad for Family Business Innovation? 2
Narcissistic CEOs in Family Firms and their Role in Innovation 2
Goal Setting in Family Firms 2
What Makes Them Pass It On? The Incumbent's Intra-family Succession Intentions (discussion paper) 2
Hyper-growth patterns: a comparison of family and non-family firms 2
Le sfide dell’innovazione e del cambiamento in Italia: i risultati dell'Innovation Excellence Study nelle migliori aziende italiane 2
Purpose e family office: Verso il paradigma della proprietà responsabile 2
An Empirical Investigation on Entrepreneurship Research Centers: Research Orientation, Knowledge Transfer, and Performance 2
Family Firms and Generational Transitions: Factors Preventing Intra-Family Succession 2
Search Breadth and Innovation in Family Firms: Evidence from a Natural Resource-Based Cluster in Chile 2
A theory of social capital transference 2
Family Firms Brand Importance: The Role of Family Identification with the Firm 2
Organizational slack and firm performance in family firms: the role of family involvement and technological intensity 2
Narcissistic CEOs in Family Firms and their Role in Innovation 2
Revisiting the question of whether family firms are good or bad employers: employment security, institutional risks and family ownership 2
Are Narcissistic CEOs Good or Bad for Family Firm Innovation? 2
Digital Business Model Innovation in Family Vs. Non-Family Firms 2
Commentary on the paper: “Family Vision and Exchange Systems in Family Firm Dominant Coalition: Effects on Procedural Justice Climate in the Family Firm” by Barnett T. and Marler L 2
An Exploration of Corporate Venturing forms: empirical evidence and managerial implications for rejuvenating established firms 2
Family Business Entrepreneurship 2
When do family firms change their internationalization strategies? 2
The hyper-growth of family SMEs (Summary) 2
Goal setting in family firms: The who, the what, and the how 2
La “successione evolutiva” nel family business. Un modello di supporto decisionale e la sua applicazione a un caso di studio 2
Brand Importance in Family Firms: The Role of Family Identification with the Firm 2
Innovation through tradition: Lessons from innovative family businesses and directions for future research 1
The localness effect of family firm branding on consumer perceptions and purchase intention: An experimental approach 1
Emotions in the strategic management of family business organizations: Opening up the black box 1
Organizational Goals: Antecedents, Formation Processes, and Implications for Firm Behavior 1
Rafforzare il collegamento Centro-Rete 1
The rate of substitution between economic and socioemotional wealth in family firm IPO underpricing 1
Factors preventing intra-family succession 1
Implementing a Digital Strategy: Learning from the Experience of Three Digital Transformation Projects 1
Riding the waves of family firm internationalization: A systematic literature review, integrative framework, and research agenda 1
Technology Acquisition in Family and Non-Family Firms: a longitudinal analysis of Spanish manufacturing firms 1
Halal products and services in the italian tourism and hospitality industry: Brief case studies of entrepreneurship and innovation 1
The goal and performance heterogeneity of academic spinoffs 1
Le imprese familiari italiane e la gestione dell'innovazione di prodotto: sfide manageriali e principali peculiarità dall'analisi di alcuni casi di studio 1
Beyond Budgeting e innovazione imprenditoriale: un approccio alternativo al modello gestionale di planning and control 1
Entrepreneurship research centers: resource, orientation and performance 1
Women’s involvement in family firms: Progress and challenges for future research 1
History-informed strategy research: The promise of history and historical research methods in advancing strategy scholarship 1
The study of organizational behaviour in family business 1
Strategie per la Creazione di Valore [Osservatorio Solvency II] 1
Blending in while standing out: Selective conformity and new product introductions in family firms 1
Family Firm Entrepreneurship: An Experimental Study 1
Generational brokerage: An intersubjective perspective on managing temporal orientations in family firm succession 1
La successione nelle imprese familiari 1
Come cambia il Mercato Assicurativo 1
Dematerializzazione e conservazione sostitutiva: i vantaggi per il business assicurativo 1
The intention for intra-family succession in family firms 1
The case study method in family business research: guidelines for qualitative scholarship 1
Goal setting in family firms: goal diversity, social interactions, and collective commitment to family-centered goals 1
Capitale sociale e vantaggio competitivo nel family business: un’analisi esplorativa delle percezioni degli Amministratori Delegati 1
Il Consiglio di Famiglia: alcune linee guida operative 1
The role of early adopters in the diffusion of new products: differences between platform and nonplatform innovations 1
An exploratory investigation on NPD in Small Family Businesses from Northern Italy 1
Exploring the effect of family control on the characteristics of SMEs in Northern Italy 1
Are outside directors on the small and medium-sized enterprise board always beneficial? Disclosure of firm-specific information in board-management relations as the missing mechanism 1
When Does Crowdsourcing Benefit Firm Stock Market Performance? 1
Entrepreneurial learning in Italian high-tech start-ups: an exploratory study 1
Examining Heterogeneous Configurations of Socioemotional Wealth in Family Firms through the Formalization of Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy 1
Halal products and services offered by Italian family businesses in the tourism and hospitality sector: brief case studies of entrepreneurship and innovation 1
"One for all, all for one”: a mutual gains perspective on HRM and innovation management practices in family firms 1
Family business restructuring: A review and research agenda 1
Innovation in Family Firms – What do we know? 1
Sfide strategiche e pratiche di successo per la crescita delle imprese familiari: un'analisi sul campo 1
How the “EU Innovation Champions” successfully absorbed and reacted to the shock caused by the COVID-19 pandemic 1
Impresa sociale e controllo direzionale 1
Il processo di apprendimento imprenditoriale: evidenze empiriche da alcuni casi di studio 1
Dispersion of family ownership and the performance of small-to-medium size private family firms 1
Qualitative research practices and family business scholarship: A review and future research agenda 1
Assicurazioni: Scenario 2010, Quante insidie per gli agenti 1
Global sourcing, investimenti in supply chain e prestazioni 1
International R&D partnerships: The role of government funding in reducing transaction costs and opportunistic behavior 1
The paradoxical and time-varying effects of family ownership on absorptive capacity 1
An exploratory investigation on NPD in small family businesses from Northern Italy 1
Family Control, Political Risk and Employment Security: A Cross-National Study 1
Come cambia il mercato assicurativo 1
The COVID-19 pandemic and family business performance 1
A taxonomy of Corporate Venturing forms: empirical evidence and managerial implications 1
Crescita significativa per le compagnie dirette 1
Rafforzare il collegamento Centro-Rete 1
Strategic Innovation and New Product Development in Family Firms: an Empirically Grounded Theoretical Framework 1
Fight or flight? Understanding family firm internationalization when the rules of the game change 1
Generational brokerage: An intersubjective perspective on managing temporal orientations in family firm succession 1
The impact of small- and medium-sized family firms on economic growth 1
Practicing resilience in family firms: An investigation through phenomenography 1
The hyper-growth of family-owned firms: evidence from european SME's 1
Family business growth around the world 1
The Visible Hand of corporate entrepreneurship in state-owned enterprises: A longitudinal study of the Spanish national postal operator 1
Innovazione di prodotto a base tecnologica nelle imprese familiari: Analisi dei Fattori Critici di Successo 1
Transgenerational Innovation in STEP Families: Organizational Goal Diversity and Revolutionary Change Pathways in the Imminence of Intra-family Succession 1
How do family firm CEOs perceive their competitive advantages and disadvantages? Empirical evidence from the transportation industry 1
Innovation in family business 1
Covid-19 and the future of family business research 1
La Cessione dell'Azienda di Famiglia 1
Totale 131
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.926
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 1.926

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2024/2025386 0 0 0 0 0 386 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 386