Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.195
EU - Europa 2.074
AS - Asia 850
SA - Sud America 143
OC - Oceania 20
AF - Africa 6
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 6.290
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.078
IT - Italia 534
IE - Irlanda 441
SG - Singapore 398
SE - Svezia 332
CN - Cina 219
GB - Regno Unito 136
UA - Ucraina 135
DE - Germania 96
FR - Francia 94
TR - Turchia 76
RU - Federazione Russa 73
MX - Messico 71
ES - Italia 58
IN - India 51
CO - Colombia 42
FI - Finlandia 33
BE - Belgio 28
CH - Svizzera 28
MY - Malesia 27
CL - Cile 26
BR - Brasile 21
CA - Canada 21
EC - Ecuador 18
PH - Filippine 17
AU - Australia 16
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 16
ID - Indonesia 16
PE - Perù 16
NL - Olanda 13
PT - Portogallo 13
SV - El Salvador 13
AT - Austria 12
TH - Thailandia 12
AR - Argentina 10
VN - Vietnam 9
PL - Polonia 7
HU - Ungheria 5
IR - Iran 5
BD - Bangladesh 4
DK - Danimarca 4
EG - Egitto 4
JP - Giappone 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
UY - Uruguay 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
CR - Costa Rica 3
HN - Honduras 3
PK - Pakistan 3
RO - Romania 3
BO - Bolivia 2
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 2
EU - Europa 2
GR - Grecia 2
GT - Guatemala 2
IM - Isola di Man 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
LV - Lettonia 2
NO - Norvegia 2
PA - Panama 2
PY - Paraguay 2
TW - Taiwan 2
VE - Venezuela 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AD - Andorra 1
CY - Cipro 1
EE - Estonia 1
HR - Croazia 1
MN - Mongolia 1
MT - Malta 1
RS - Serbia 1
Totale 6.290
Città #
Chandler 810
Dublin 440
Singapore 352
Jacksonville 301
Ashburn 251
Princeton 215
Chieti 126
Santa Clara 102
Beijing 88
Ann Arbor 87
Wilmington 83
Southend 64
Nanjing 53
Altamura 47
Pescara 46
Izmir 41
Washington 40
Dearborn 35
Cambridge 28
Los Angeles 26
Zurich 26
Brussels 25
San Vito Chietino 21
Woodbridge 21
Boardman 19
Nanchang 18
Madrid 17
Seattle 17
Kuala Lumpur 14
Norwalk 14
Rome 14
L'aquila 13
Santiago 13
Medellín 12
Vienna 12
Bournemouth 11
New York 11
San Salvador 11
Bangkok 10
Edinburgh 10
Helsinki 10
Ravenna 10
Dong Ket 9
Falls Church 9
Kunming 9
Lima 9
Pune 9
Houston 8
Napoli 8
Quito 8
Shenyang 8
Sydney 8
Toronto 8
Coimbra 7
Concepción 7
Davao City 7
Hebei 7
Jiaxing 7
León 7
Lucena 7
San Miguel de Salcedo 7
Shah Alam 7
Viedma 7
A Coruña 6
Bogotá 6
Chicago 6
Frankfurt am Main 6
Mexico City 6
Milan 6
Padova 6
Redwood City 6
Studio City 6
Surabaya 6
Toluca 6
Barcelona 5
Changsha 5
Florence 5
Istanbul 5
Santa Cruz 5
Saskatoon 5
Stockholm 5
Strasbourg 5
Torino 5
Zapopan 5
Amsterdam 4
Atlanta 4
Bari 4
Barranquilla 4
Brno 4
Budapest 4
Cairo 4
Canberra 4
Ciudad de Villa de Álvarez 4
Colchester 4
Dhaka 4
Grevenbroich 4
Johor Bahru 4
Kolambugan 4
Lebanon 4
Lexington 4
Totale 3.907
Nome #
Anthropometric Profiles and Somatotypes of Female Volleyball and Beach Volleyball Players [Perfiles antropométricos y somatotipos de jugadoras de voleibol femenino y voleibol de playa] 288
Dental palaeopathology seen through historical, archaeological and biological sources in ancient Herculaneum (79 AD, Italy) 129
Estimation of date of death through wound healing of an extraction socket: A case report 119
Pseudopathological vertebral changes in a young individual from herculaneum (79 c.e.) 113
Estimation of sex from the hyoid body in skeletal individuals from archeological sites. 110
Fossil teeth of Carcharocles megalodon: The collection of the University Museum of Chieti (Italy). Part II: Paleopathological analysis [Dientes fósiles de Carcharocles megalodon: La colección del museo Universitario de Chieti (Italia). Parte II: Análisis paleopatológico] 110
Algunos rasgos dentales básicos en la identificación humana 109
Sex estimation in a contemporary Spanish population: cranial and dental anthropometry 108
Odontometric sex estimation on three populations of the Iron Age from Abruzzo region (central-southern Italy) 107
Fossil teeth of Carcharocles megalodon: The collection of the University Museum of Chieti (Italy). Part I: Morphometric analysis [Dientes fósiles de carcharocles megalodon: La colección del museo universitario de chieti (Italia). parte i: análisis morfométrico] 102
Embryotomy in the 19th Century of Central Italy 101
Bone natural autofluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy: Preliminary results of a novel useful tool to distinguish between forensic and ancient human skeletal remains 99
I resti umani mummificati di Casentino (AQ): dal recupero alla musealizzazione. 96
Non-masticatory dental lesions in the Samnite necropolis of Alfedena (3rd–5th centuries BCE; central-southern Italy) 95
Le mummie del Museo universitario di Chieti: tra comunicazione, musealizzazione e rispetto 92
Scheuermann's disease in a juvenile male from the late Roman necropolis of Torrenueva (3rd-4th century CE, Granada, Spain) 92
Cervical rib in a young individual from the late medieval cemetery of Corfinio (12th-13th century CE, Italy): a case report and review of the literature 88
The anthropometric profile of Italian elite cyclists 84
The possible correlation between dental enamel hypoplasia and a historic natural disaster in the Roman population of Herculaneum (79 AD – central Italy) 82
Congenital Anatomical Variant of the Clavicle 81
Dalla conoscenza alla conservazione: il recupero di antiche coltivazioni 81
Estimacion del sexo mediante odontometria en una poblacion italiana contemporanea: aplication en individuos subadultos 80
Estimation del sexo mediante odontometria en una poblacion italiana contemporanea: aplicacion en individuos subadultos 80
Alternative dental measurements: Correlation between cervical and crown dimensions 79
Le entesopatie del tendine d’Achille nella popolazione sannitica di Opi – Val Fondillo (VII-VI secolo BCE; Abruzzo) 79
La paleopatologia dental vista a traves de las fuentes historicas y biologicas en la antigua Herculano (79 E.C., Napoles, Italia) 79
Anatomical variations of the foramen transversarium of cervical vertebrae from the ancient population of Herculaneum (79 CE; Naples, Italy) 79
Herculaneum 78
Ecuaciones predictivas del tamaño del canino a partir de las dimensiones de premolares y molares: aplicación en la estimación del sexo sobre restos esqueléticos 73
Ancient Abruzzo populations through history 72
Hemifacial microsomia (oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum) in an individual from the Teramo Sant'Anna archaeological site (7th–12th centuries of the Common Era, Italy) 71
A probable case of Scheuermann's disease in a juvenile male from the Late Roman necropolis of Torrenueva (III - IV AD, Granada, Spain) 68
Aplicabilidad de diferentes métodos odontométricos para la estimación del sexo en población chilena 67
I resti umani del complesso funerario di Neferhotep (XVIII-XIX Dinastia, Valle dei Nobili, Luxor, Egitto) 65
A probable case of gigantism/acromegaly in skeletal remains from the Jewish necropolis of "Ronda Sur" (Lucena, Córdoba, Spain; VIII-XII centuries CE) 65
Odontometric sex discrimination in the Herculaneum sample (79 AD, Naples, Italy), with application to juveniles 65
Sex estimation by odontometrics of nonadult human remains from a contemporary Italian sample 64
Timing of maxillofacial-oral injuries in an individual of the ancient city of Herculaneum (79 AD, Naples, Italy): a case report 62
Correlations Among New Dental and Cranial Measurements 62
Contributions of facial imaging to human identification in forensic cases: a retrospective study (1996-2019) at the Operative Unit of Anthropology of the ‘G. d’Annunzio’ University of Chieti-Pescara (Italy) 62
Un cerebro humano unico "petrificado" de Asuncion (XX, Paraguay) 59
Lesiones cutáneas en el cuerpo momificado de la monja católica romana Marie-Léonie Martin (Francia, 1863-1941) 59
Thermal changes in the people of Herculaneum 58
Il contributo degli studi anatomici alla ricerca sull’origine del linguaggio articolato 58
Concordancia de las dimensiones dentales: medida analógica vs medida digital 58
Odontostomatology seen through historical and biological sources in ancient Herculaneum 58
Sex estimation of the humerus: a geometric morphometric analysis in an adult sample 57
Mandibular fracture and dislocation in a case study from the Jewish cemetery of Lucena (CÓrdoba), in South Iberian Peninsula (8th-12th ad) 56
Age estimation of infants through metric analysis of developing anterior deciduous teeth 56
I tatuaggi della mummia della Val Senales 56
Chronology of the development of the deciduous dentition in Mediterranean population 56
Sex estimation based on deciduous and permanent dentition in a contemporary Spanish population 56
Microsomia emifacciale (spettro oculo-auriculo-vertebrale) in un individuo del sito archeologico di Teramo Sant'Anna (VII-XII CE, Teramo, Italia) 55
I resti umani mummificati di Casentino (AQ): dal recupero alla musealizzazione 55
Estimación del sexo mediante odontometría en una población italiana contemporánea: aplicación en individuos subadultos 55
Aplicación de las dimensiones dentales tradicionales sobre modelos 3D virtuales: Análisis de su replicabilidad 55
Stima della data della morte attraverso il rimodellamento alveolare: a case report 54
Caratteristiche antropometriche e somatotipo in giocatrici di pallavolo di differenti categorie 53
Torrecuso (Benevento): studio preliminare di una popolazione seicentesca 53
A unique "petrified" human brain from Asunción (XX CE, Paraguay) 53
Macroscopic dental enamel hypoplasia in deciduous teeth: health conditions and socio-economic status in nineteenth- to twentieth-century Granada, Spain 53
Tres casos de "anomalía de los incisivos con raíces cortas" en la necrópolis judía de Lucena (Córdoba, s. VIII-XII d.C.) 52
Reliability, reproducibility and validity of the conventional buccolingual and mesiodistal measurements on 3D dental digital models obtained from intra-oral 3D scanner 52
Alterations of skull bones found in anencephalic skeletons from an identified osteological collection. Two case reports 52
Evaluation of the maximum length of deciduous teeth for estimation of the age of infants and young children: Proposal of new regression formulas 51
Antropologia in archeologia 50
Prime datazioni assolute di ossa umane antiche con il metodo dell’autofluorescenza 50
Paleoepidemiología de la tuberculosis en Italia 50
Generalized dermatitis in the natural mummy of the Roman Catholic Nun Marie-Léonie Martin (France, 1863-1941) 50
Le mummie del Museo Universitario di Chieti: tra comunicazione, musealizzazione e rispetto 50
Multiple traumatic dental injuries: a case report in a young individual from the Samnitic necropolis of Opi Val Fondillo (VI–V century BC; Central Italy) 48
Un caso probabile di malattia di Scheuermann in un giovane maschio della necropoli tardoromana di Torrenueva (III-IV sec. d.C., Granada, Spagna) 48
Odontostomatologia vista attraverso fonti storiche e biologiche nell'antica Ercolano 48
Possible congenital anatomical variant of the clavicle 47
Il gabinetto medico-odontoiatrico del Dottor David Sgandurra nel Museo Universitario di Chieti 47
Herculano: crónica de una gran catástrofe en la antigüedad 46
Antropología y Odontología, Ciencias Forenses al Servicio de la Justicia 46
Brief communication: The Granada osteological collection of identified infants and young children 46
Análisis del dimorfismo sexual de la epífisis distal del húmero mediante morfometría geométrica 45
Análisis de la replicabilidad de las dimensiones dentales tradicionales en modelos 3D virtuales 45
Sex estimation in a contemporary Spanish population: skull and teeth anthropometry versus postcranial elements 45
Métodos odontométricos para la estimación del sexo en individuos adultos y subadultos 44
Sobre la dificultad en determinar la causa de muerte en base al esqueleto 44
Sexual dimorphism of the first deciduous molar: A geometric morphometric approach 43
Estimación de la fecha de la muerte a través de la remodelación alveolar 42
Estimación del sexo en individuos inmaduros mediante el estudio métrico de la denticion decidua 42
How easily can we derive cause and manner of death on the basis of dry bones? Lessons derived from Coimbra Identified Skeletal Collections 42
Estimación del sexo mediante el análisis odontométrico y morfogeométrico de los premolares superiores de una población chilena 42
Multiple traumatic dental injuries: a case report in a young individual from the samnitic necropolis of Opi Val Fondillo (VI–V century BC; Central Italy). 41
Posible variante anatómica congénita de la clavícula 40
Identificación facial: estado actual y futuros retos 39
Estimación de la edad mediante el análisis métrico de los dientes deciduos anteriores 38
Importancia del cráneo y de los dientes en la estimación sexual a través de una población contemporánea española 38
Estimación del sexo mediante el análisis odontométrico del canino permanente en una población chilena 38
Hipoplasia del esmalte como factor limitante en estudios odontométricos de la dentición primaria 36
Estudio métrico de la dentición decidual: nuevo método para la estimación de la edad de individuos infantiles 36
The burns present on the mummy of Blessed Egidio da Laurenzana: between legend and scientific evidence 32
Misure dentarie alternative: correlazione tra le dimensioni del colletto e della corona. 31
Totale 6.609
Categoria #
all - tutte 26.471
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 26.471

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020465 0 0 8 12 39 34 49 39 39 61 180 4
2020/2021557 74 29 128 36 58 116 31 13 25 20 7 20
2021/2022933 24 12 211 155 15 20 26 36 37 21 59 317
2022/20232.015 235 287 170 207 138 324 96 193 230 21 79 35
2023/20241.319 65 76 104 92 99 252 264 134 45 63 39 86
2024/2025894 149 494 251 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.876