Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 3.012
NA - Nord America 2.760
AS - Asia 1.374
SA - Sud America 13
AF - Africa 9
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 9
OC - Oceania 4
Totale 7.181
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.736
IT - Italia 782
CN - Cina 544
UA - Ucraina 500
IE - Irlanda 396
GB - Regno Unito 362
SE - Svezia 350
TR - Turchia 347
SG - Singapore 334
FR - Francia 195
DE - Germania 169
IN - India 98
FI - Finlandia 88
RU - Federazione Russa 82
CA - Canada 23
VN - Vietnam 21
ES - Italia 19
PL - Polonia 12
BE - Belgio 11
IR - Iran 10
EU - Europa 9
LT - Lituania 6
MT - Malta 6
NL - Olanda 6
EC - Ecuador 5
HU - Ungheria 5
PH - Filippine 5
RO - Romania 5
BR - Brasile 4
DZ - Algeria 4
AU - Australia 3
CL - Cile 3
IL - Israele 3
MA - Marocco 3
RS - Serbia 3
AL - Albania 2
CH - Svizzera 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
DK - Danimarca 2
EG - Egitto 2
GR - Grecia 2
ID - Indonesia 2
JP - Giappone 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
PT - Portogallo 2
TH - Thailandia 2
BG - Bulgaria 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
JO - Giordania 1
ME - Montenegro 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PA - Panama 1
PE - Perù 1
QA - Qatar 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 7.181
Città #
Jacksonville 551
Chandler 486
Dublin 390
Singapore 280
Southend 246
Princeton 214
Izmir 160
Nanjing 149
Wilmington 132
Beijing 125
Cambridge 91
Ann Arbor 68
Nanchang 67
Rome 67
Boardman 59
Dearborn 59
Santa Clara 59
Ashburn 57
Francavilla Al Mare 47
Houston 47
Woodbridge 38
Altamura 32
Shenyang 31
Pescara 30
Chieti 28
Tianjin 22
Hebei 21
Los Angeles 21
Bologna 19
Grevenbroich 19
Jiaxing 19
Mountain View 19
Kunming 18
Hangzhou 16
Jinan 15
Norwalk 14
Ho Chi Minh City 13
Torino 13
Milan 12
New York 12
Washington 12
Zhengzhou 12
Brussels 11
Helsinki 10
Palermo 10
Poggio Mirteto 10
Lanzhou 9
London 9
Changchun 8
Dong Ket 8
Munich 8
Toronto 8
Vittoria 8
Changsha 7
Ottawa 7
Florence 6
Frankfurt am Main 6
Macerata 6
Modena 6
Montesilvano 6
Orange 6
Ancona 5
Ardabil 5
Bari 5
Brescia 5
Casoria 5
Lecce 5
Quito 5
San Mateo 5
Castel San Giovanni 4
Cedar Knolls 4
Centro 4
Decatur 4
Istanbul 4
Massa 4
Monmouth Junction 4
Montesilvano Marina 4
Mumbai 4
Ningbo 4
Padova 4
Quezon City 4
Rocca Di Papa 4
Sambuceto 4
Seattle 4
Sulmona 4
Trento 4
Ulverston 4
Augusta 3
Aversa 3
Belgrade 3
Berkeley 3
Bradford 3
Cancellara 3
Caserta 3
Catania 3
Chennai 3
Ercolano 3
Faenza 3
Falls Church 3
Giugliano in Campania 3
Totale 4.090
Nome #
La copertura del Museo MAXXI a Roma, il sistema delle travi frangisole - The roof of the MAXXI Museum in Rome, the brise soleil beams system 145
Use of shape memory alloy devices in the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi 142
Wooden structures for the rehabilitation of masonry buildings in Caporciano 131
L'Analisi Sismica degli Edifici in Muratura 125
Use of timber elements for reinforced concrete buildings seismic retrofitting and comfort rehabilitation 124
Rione Fossi and the Ducal palace of Accadia: recovery criteria, seismic retrofitting and rehabilitation 124
GIS maps, historic structures conservation and seismic vulnerability assessment 111
The structural behaviour of Colosseum over the centuries 106
Un Modello di Setto Inclinato a Sezione Variabile per l'analisi delle pareti murarie 104
"Analisi di una parete muraria, sottoposta ad azioni nel proprio piano, mediante una procedura di calcolo, non-lineare al passo, che utilizza elementi finiti riconfigurabili" 99
Influence of wind space-dependent correlations on dynamic response of structures 93
Round Robin Test for composite-to-brick shear bond characterization 91
Analisi tridimensionale della resistenza di edifici in muratura, storici o recenti, soggetti ad azioni orizzontali di tipo sismico 90
A Piràmide de Kefren, o Coliseo e os Templos de Angkor 88
Analyses of a masonry wall subjected to horizontal actions on its plane, employing a non-linear procedure using changing shape finite elements 87
Some Aspects of the Structural Behaviour of Gothic Cathedrals 87
Torsional Behaviour in Beam and Slab Decks 87
Round Robin Test on tensile and bond behaviour of Steel Reinforced Grout systems 87
Azioni del vento in campo dinamico 86
The new wooden structures with composite material reinforcements for the rebuilding of the arena flooring in the Colosseum 84
The re-formation of the arena floor deck in the Colosseum in Roma 84
A method for large-scale vulnerability assessment of historic towers 84
The “Trabocchi”: Experimental Tests and Mathematical Models 82
Applicazione di algoritmi genetici alla generazione di storie di vento con il Metodo dello Sfasamento 82
The Pyramid of Chephren, the Colosseum and the Temples of Angkor: Diagnosis and Safety Evaluation 81
Sui metodi di generazione di modelli di vento come campi stocastici multidimensionali 81
Wooden framed structures for masonry buildings retrofitting. A pilot project in Caporciano 81
Causes of the Failures of Colosseum over the Centuries and Evaluation of the Safety Levels 80
Out of plane seismic behaviour of masonry walls with shape memory alloy ties 78
Structural Features of Gothic Style Churces in the Earthquake prone Mediterranean Area 78
Modellazione numerica del comportamento di una parete in muratura, rinforzata, non rinforzata o bonificata 76
Un modello di calcolo della resistenza ultima delle pareti in muratura 76
Use of shock transmission units and shape memory alloy devices for seismic protection of monuments: the case of the upper Basilica of San Francesco at Assisi 76
Progetto pilota “la fenice”- Comune di Caporciano (AQ) 76
Seismic assessment by numerical analyses and shaking table tests for complex masonry structures: the Hagia Irene case study 75
The seismic protection of architectural heritage: main requirements and benefits of innovative techniques. 74
The use of aramid fibres in the restoration of the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi 74
Sistemi flessibili e reversibili per la riabilitazione dell’housing sociale degli anni ’50 – ’70 del XX secolo 74
Integrated Methods for the Assessment of the Structural Vulnerability of Historic Towers 73
L’Integrazione dei Sistemi di Consolidamento nell’Edilizia Storica 73
Deformable polyurethane joints and fibre grids for resilient seismic performance of reinforced concrete frames with orthoblock brick infills 73
Distacco di vortici da una ciminiera in vento turbolento: studi analitici e sperimentali 72
Numerical models of masonry façade walls with and without SMAD’s 72
The Soil Stiffness Influence and the Earthquake Effects on the Colosseum in Roma. 71
Techniques of structural identification for the monitoring of historical buildings: first experimental results for a masonry tower 71
The “trabocchi”: the “Turchinio” case, experimental tests and mathematical models 71
Use of polymer flexible joint between RC frames and masonry infills for improved seismic performance 71
Methods for the analysis and safety evaluation of masonry structures subjected to seismic actions 70
The Bishop Palace in Dubrovnik: structural analyses and proposal of remedial measures 70
Environmental design, building reclamation and slow tourism for a sustainable development 70
Procedura di calcolo non-lineare al passo per pareti singole e scatole murarie tridimensionali che utilizza elementi finiti riconfigurabili 69
Recent developments of the techniques to evaluate the aeroelastic stability of long span suspension bridges 69
Composite Reinforcements with Inorganic Matrices for Masonry Structures 69
Distacco di vortici da corpo elastico cilindrico a sezione circolare: un nuovo modello numerico autolimitante ed autoregolato 67
Analysis from a historical and structural point of view of the domes of Pantheon, Hagia Sophia and St Peter 67
Analisi del comportamento strutturale della cupola di S.Sofia ad Istanbul sotto l’effetto dell’azione sismica 67
Quick seismic protection of weak masonry infilling in filled framed structures using flexible joints 67
The Trajan Markets and their Great Hall – The Conservation Problems and the Structural Intervention for the Improvement of the Seismic Safety 66
Anàlisis estructural de la Catedral de Santa Maria la Vieja de Vitoria-Gasteiz 65
Temporary and removable quick seismic protection of weak masonry structures using highly deformable adhesives 65
New Wooden Structures with Composite Material Reinforcements for Historical Buildings: The Case of the Arena Flooring in the Colosseum 64
Modeling Non-Linearity on Cable Stayed Masts of Tensile Fabric Structures 64
Seismic protection of cultural heritage using shape memory alloy devices – an EC funded project (ISTECH) 63
The use of aramidic fibres to improve the structural behaviour of masonry structures under seismic actions 63
Composite reinforcements with inorganic matrices - Part I: Masonry walls with composite reinforcement in the mortar plasters 63
Validation of a new hyperviscoelastic model for deformable polymers used for joints between RC frames and masonry infills 63
Composite reinforcements with inorganic matrices - Part II: Structural behaviour of walls top reinforced masonry with composite reinforcement in the mortar horizontal joints 62
Restoration and seismic isolation of the Romanesque church of San Giovanni Battista at Apagni 61
The Crypt of St. Carlo alle Quattro Fontane in Rome 61
Rescuing the Sidi Rached bridge 60
Masonry Panels Composite Reinforcements with Epoxy Matrix, Inorganic Mortar Matrix and PS Polymer Matrix 59
Modelling of Deformable Polymer to be Used for Joints between Infill Masonry Walls and R.C. Frames 59
Anàlisis matemàtico del derrumbamiento de bòvedas en la catedral San Pedro de Beauvais 58
Sistemi flessibili e reversibili per la riabilitazione dell'housing sociale degli anni '50-'70 del XX secolo 58
Mode pressure coefficient maps as an alternative to mean pressure coefficient maps for non-gaussian processes: Hyperbolic paraboloid roofs as cases of study 58
Il trabocco del “Turchinio”: un’analisi del comportamento strutturale. 57
Large masonry models study implementing shaking table tests: Hagia Irene case study. Part II: actions, energy evaluations, dynamic behaviour 56
L’Organizzazione della Conoscenza del Turchinio 56
La Struttura 55
Hemp cables, a sustainable alternative to harmonic steel for cable nets 55
Recommendation of RILEM Technical Committee 250-CSM: Test method for Textile Reinforced Mortar to substrate bond characterization 55
Un modello di vento nel dominio del tempo 54
Large masonry models study implementing shaking table tests: Hagia Irene case study. Part I: model design, material design, not reinforced and reinforced model results 53
Seismic Retrofitting for Masonry Historical Buildings: Design Philosophy and Hierarchy of Interventions 53
Repair of the grand staircases in the Monastery of san Martin Pinario in Santiago de Compostela and in the Colegio del Cardenal in Monforte de Lemos 52
Le strutture di Nervi: confronto fra due epoche 52
Use of timber in the reclamation and seismic retrofitting of buildings, 50
Influenza della scelta dello spettro della turbolenza del vento sulla risposta di strutture flessibili 49
Parametrical DesignTrends for a Hyperbolic Paraboloid shaped over a square plan: Vertical Displacements and Natural Periods 49
Opere di “innesto” lignee per il rinforzo strutturale e la riqualificazione funzionale degli involucri murari 47
Historical Palaces, combined actions for safety evaluation and recently developed solutions for seismic retrofitting 46
Modeling of Screw-Dental Structure Interaction: First Step Toward Finite Element Analysis 46
Il progetto di consolidamento statico e sismico 43
Seismic Assessment by Numerical Analyses and Shaking Table Tests for Complex Masonry Structures: The Hagia Irene Case Study 31
Air Waves Induced by Truck Passage in a Slender Motorway 28
Totale 7.263
Categoria #
all - tutte 26.411
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 26.411

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020535 0 0 0 0 0 91 87 117 14 92 126 8
2020/2021765 90 10 106 13 90 158 20 9 38 88 85 58
2021/2022431 11 19 4 56 35 12 17 40 26 14 68 129
2022/20231.443 117 132 66 181 160 306 87 96 207 23 32 36
2023/2024569 63 19 58 23 29 138 130 10 13 25 16 45
2024/2025721 110 257 246 46 52 10 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.340