Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.595
EU - Europa 3.516
AS - Asia 2.205
SA - Sud America 10
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
OC - Oceania 2
Totale 9.333
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.582
CN - Cina 807
UA - Ucraina 674
TR - Turchia 548
SG - Singapore 531
IE - Irlanda 530
IT - Italia 491
GB - Regno Unito 452
SE - Svezia 414
FR - Francia 318
DE - Germania 298
IN - India 264
FI - Finlandia 137
RU - Federazione Russa 93
PL - Polonia 47
JP - Giappone 31
BE - Belgio 18
CA - Canada 11
NL - Olanda 10
IR - Iran 9
AR - Argentina 8
PT - Portogallo 7
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
IL - Israele 6
ES - Italia 5
AT - Austria 4
HU - Ungheria 4
PK - Pakistan 4
VN - Vietnam 4
EE - Estonia 3
EU - Europa 3
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 2
AU - Australia 2
BR - Brasile 2
MX - Messico 2
RO - Romania 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
RS - Serbia 1
TH - Thailandia 1
Totale 9.333
Città #
Jacksonville 741
Chandler 650
Dublin 526
Singapore 463
Southend 360
Princeton 268
Izmir 260
Dearborn 221
Nanjing 203
Beijing 148
Wilmington 131
Cambridge 123
Altamura 100
Ashburn 95
Santa Clara 95
Nanchang 91
Ann Arbor 75
Boardman 73
Chieti 64
Woodbridge 52
Shenyang 48
Kraków 47
Kunming 41
New York 39
Hebei 36
Rome 35
Grevenbroich 31
Jiaxing 30
Houston 25
Jinan 25
Pescara 25
Hangzhou 22
Munich 22
Tianjin 22
Los Angeles 21
Changsha 20
Ningbo 20
Kocaeli 18
Washington 16
Grafing 14
Taizhou 14
Zhengzhou 14
Brussels 13
Helsinki 13
Auburn Hills 12
Guangzhou 12
Changchun 11
Orange 11
San Mateo 11
Augusta 10
Leawood 10
Norwalk 10
Teramo 9
Corropoli 8
Falls Church 8
Hefei 8
Lanzhou 8
Cancellara 7
Moscow 7
Ostra 7
Romola 7
Milan 6
Porto 6
Düsseldorf 5
Padova 5
Shanghai 5
Simi Valley 5
Toronto 5
Amsterdam 4
Ardabil 4
Bologna 4
Brno 4
Budapest 4
Buenos Aires 4
Campobasso 4
Grottaferrata 4
London 4
Macerata 4
Madrid 4
Mendoza 4
Montesilvano 4
San Severo 4
Seattle 4
Villejuif 4
Antwerp 3
Dong Ket 3
Espoo 3
Hanover 3
Kiel 3
L'aquila 3
Mumbai 3
Potsdam 3
Pune 3
Speyer 3
Tallinn 3
Torino 3
Trento 3
Trieste 3
Bangalore 2
Bielefeld 2
Totale 5.653
Nome #
Visual learning induces changes in resting-state fMRI multivariate pattern of information 145
"What" versus "where" in the audiovisual domain: an fMRI study. 131
Working Memory in schisophrenic patients: a fMRI and MEG study. 130
EEG-fMRI Bayesian framework for neural activity estimation: A simulation study 118
Topographic organization of the human primary and secondary somatosensory areas: comparison of fMRI study and MEG findings 108
Audio-video crossmodal semantic recognition: An fMRI investigation 105
Multimodal mental image generation triggered by auditory verbal stimuli: An fMRI study 103
The use of standardized infinity reference in EEG coherency studies 103
Toward a brain theory of meditation 101
Confronting recognition and localization tasks with crossmodal stimuli: A fMRI study. 100
Neural correlates of focused attention and cognitive monitoring in meditation 100
An fMRI investigation into audio-visual recognition 97
The use of an inhomogeneous applied field improves the spatial sensitivity profile of an in vivo SQUID susceptometer 96
Preferential coding of eye/hand motor actions in the human ventral occipito-temporal cortex 96
Human Neural Systems for Conceptual Knowledge of Proper Object Use: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study 95
A frontal but not parietal neural correlate of auditory consciousness 95
Modeling cortical sources of movement-related eeg-meg data with a fmri-contrained linear inverse solution 94
Sex differences in sensory mental imagery investigated by means of fMRI 92
Audio-visual cross-modal interactions in environmental perception: An fMRI investigation 89
Framing deductive reasoning with emotional content: an fMRI study 89
SQUID systems for biomagnetic imaging 88
Brain activation during sensory image generation studied by means of fMRI 88
Passive tactile recognition of geometrical shape in humans: An fMRI study. 88
Does cerebrovascular disease affect the coupling between neuronal activity and local hemodynamics? 88
Intermodal analysis of sensory image generation by means of fMRI 87
A SQUID based AC susceptometer for the investigation of large samples 87
Dynamics of male sexual arousal: distinct components of brain activation revealed by fMRI 87
Hypothalamus, sexual arousal and psychosexual identity in human males: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study 87
An fMRI study of the binding of audio-visual information: The dissociation between object and space processing 87
Optimized 3D co-registration of ultra-low-field and high-field magnetic resonance images 87
Trigeminal activation using chemical, electrical, and mechanical stimuli 85
Somato-motor inhibitory processing in humans: an event-related functional MRI study 85
Is there "neural efficiency" during the processing of visuo-spatial information in male humans? An EEG study 85
Human brain activation elicited by the localization of sounds delivering at attended or unattended positions: An fMRI/MEG study 85
Topographic organization of the human primary and secondary somatosensory areas: an fMRI study 85
The role of left Superior Parietal Lobe in male sexual behavior: dynamics of distinct components revealed by fMRI 84
A combined EEG MEG fMRI study of the cortical activaties following pattern reversal visual stimuli 84
A Frontoparietal Network for Spatial Attention Reorienting in the Auditory Domain: A Human fMRI/MEG Study of Functional and Temporal Dynamics 83
Functional topography of the secondary somatosensory cortex for nonpainful and painful stimulation of median and tibial nerve: an fMRI study. 83
An fMRI investigation on image generation in different sensory modalities: The influence of vividness 82
Brain activation during sexual arousal: a fMRI study 82
Detection and counting of specific cell populations by means of magnetic markers linked to monoclonal antibodies 82
The sense of touch: embodied simulation in a visuotactile mirroring mechanism for observed animate or inanimate touch 81
Functional topography of the secondary somatosensory cortex for non-painful and painful stimuli: an fMRI study 80
Sustained attention in healthy siblings of schizophrenic patients: an event related functional magnetic resonance study. 80
Elevated response of human amygdala to neutral stimuli in mild post traumatic stress disorder: neural correlates of generalized emotional response 80
Multimodal integration of fMRI and EEG data for high spatial and temporal resolution analysis of brain networks 80
Recognition and localization of crossmodal audio-visual stimuli: An fMRI study 80
Human brain activation during passive listening to sounds from different locations: An fMRI and MEG study 79
Intermodal sensory image generation: An fMRI analysis 78
Nociceptive and non-nociceptive sub-regions in the human secondary somatosensory cortex: a MEG study using fMRI constraints 78
Understanding brain connectivity from EEG data by identifying systems composed of interacting sources 78
Human secondary somatosensory cortex is involved in the processing of somatosensory rare stimuli: an fMRI study 78
Altered brain response without behavioral attention deficits in healthy siblings of schizophrenic patients. An event-related fMRI study 78
Unbiased large-scale coherence mapping for simultaneously acquired EEG and fMRI data 78
Brain network for passive word listening as evaluated with ICA and Granger causality 77
Biomagnetic systems for clinical use 77
A difference exists in somatosensory processing between the anterior and posterior parts of the tongue 77
Sensory-motor brain network connectivity for speech comprehension 77
Prediction of meditation experience using fmri functional connectivity and multivariate pattern analysis 76
Somatotopy of anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and supplementary motor area (SMA) for electric stimulation of the median and tibial nerves: an fMRI study. 75
On the integration of high resolution eeg and functional MRI 74
Multichannel hybrid system for neuromagnetic measurements. 74
Magnetoencephalography - a noninvasive brain imaging method with 1 ms time resolution. 73
Neural Correlates of Mindfulness and Concentration in Buddhist Monks:A fMRI study 73
Activation if primary and secondary somatosensory cortices during electrical median nerve stimulation at different frequencies: an fMRI study 73
A new processing method in fMRI for detecting activated regions in patients after subcortical stroke 73
Sensory image generation: A comparison between different sensory modalities with fMRI 72
Large-scale brain networks account for sustained and transient activity during target detection 72
Selective brain network modifications during erotic visual stimulation in erectile dysfunction? 72
The use of fMRI priors for the estimation of cortical activity with high resolution EEG. 71
Localizing complex neural circuits with MEG data 70
A biomagnetic method for studying gastro-intestinal activity 70
Correlati cerebrali del sexual arousal: uno studio di risonanza magnetica funzionale 70
Modification in functional connectivity of resting state networks in patients affected by psychogenic erectile dysfunction during visual erotic stimulation: an fMRI study 70
Semantic audio-visual interaction in environmental object recognition 70
Brain response to erotic clips in patients with Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction: an fMRI study 69
Cortical brain responses during passive nonpainful median nerve stimulation at low frequencies (0.5-4 Hz). An fMRI study 69
Human cortical responses during one-bit delayed-response tasks: an fMRI study 68
Brain activations evoked by erotic clips in patients with Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction 68
High-resolution spatio-temporal neuronal activation in the visual oddball task: A simultaneous EEG/fMRI study 68
Effects of somatosensory stimulation and attention on human somatosensory cortex: an fMRI study. 67
Effects of mobile phone signals over BOLD response while performing a cognitive task 67
Organizzazione della corteccia somato-sensoriale secondaria: Studio con risonanza magnetica funzionale 67
Complete artifact removal for EEG recorded during continuous fMRI using independent component analysis 66
Hand motor cortical area reorganization in stroke: a study with fMRI, MEG and TCS maps 64
Study of hematic flow utilizing a paramagnetic tracer and an apparatus for biomagnetic measurements 64
Brain activations in patients with psychogenic erectile dysfunction: An fMRi study 64
Magnetocardiography: current status and perspectives. Part I: Physical principles and instrumentation 63
Executive functions with different motor outputs in somatosensory go/nogo tasks: an event-related functional MRI study 62
Neuromagnetism and its clinical applications 62
Empirical Markov Chain Monte Carlo Bayesian analysis of fMRI data. 62
An AC magnetizing field biosusceptometer using a SQUID based sensor with additional compensation module 62
Functional reorganizzation of the cerebral cortex after resection of space occupying lesions of the brain: a BOLD-contrast fMRI study 62
Cortical source estimate of combined high resolution EEG and fMRI data related to voluntary movements. 61
Measurement of segmental transit through the gut in man. A novel approach by the biomagnetic method. 61
Linear inverse source estimate of combined EEG and MEG data related to voluntary movements 60
Focal liver lesions: Detection and characterization using a new superparamagnetic iron oxide contrast medium (SHU 555 A) for MRI 60
Totale 8.112
Categoria #
all - tutte 36.648
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 36.648

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020718 0 0 0 0 0 0 246 169 33 106 161 3
2020/2021801 137 2 132 13 68 150 16 13 42 145 54 29
2021/2022558 9 15 7 115 56 21 9 44 41 16 72 153
2022/20231.863 144 247 97 208 207 374 123 130 243 15 41 34
2023/2024770 63 44 60 17 43 213 169 36 2 17 14 92
2024/20251.000 133 412 343 33 40 38 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.541