Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.858
EU - Europa 1.529
AS - Asia 600
SA - Sud America 7
AF - Africa 4
OC - Oceania 3
Totale 4.001
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.850
IT - Italia 510
IE - Irlanda 306
SG - Singapore 294
UA - Ucraina 184
CN - Cina 179
SE - Svezia 113
FR - Francia 101
DE - Germania 84
GB - Regno Unito 84
TR - Turchia 71
RU - Federazione Russa 33
PL - Polonia 31
FI - Finlandia 28
IN - India 16
IR - Iran 15
ES - Italia 10
BE - Belgio 8
NL - Olanda 8
AR - Argentina 6
CA - Canada 6
VN - Vietnam 6
NO - Norvegia 5
BG - Bulgaria 4
AT - Austria 3
AU - Australia 3
GR - Grecia 3
HK - Hong Kong 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
ID - Indonesia 2
IL - Israele 2
JP - Giappone 2
PH - Filippine 2
PT - Portogallo 2
RO - Romania 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AM - Armenia 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BR - Brasile 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EG - Egitto 1
HN - Honduras 1
HR - Croazia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LT - Lituania 1
MA - Marocco 1
ME - Montenegro 1
MK - Macedonia 1
MT - Malta 1
MX - Messico 1
NG - Nigeria 1
RS - Serbia 1
SC - Seychelles 1
TH - Thailandia 1
Totale 4.001
Città #
Chandler 448
Dublin 293
Singapore 249
Jacksonville 220
Princeton 150
Ashburn 93
Wilmington 55
Southend 54
Santa Clara 51
Izmir 50
Francavilla Al Mare 47
Nanjing 47
Dearborn 42
Chieti 40
Los Angeles 28
Washington 28
Altamura 27
Milan 26
Ann Arbor 25
Rome 21
Boardman 20
Cambridge 17
Nanchang 17
Shenyang 14
Beijing 13
Helsinki 13
Pescara 13
Hebei 10
Ardabil 9
Falls Church 9
Jiaxing 9
Ashford 8
Brussels 8
Montesilvano Marina 8
New York 8
San Mateo 8
Kanpur 7
Kunming 7
Norwalk 7
Tianjin 7
Changsha 6
Dong Ket 6
Lanzhou 6
Lund 6
Munro 6
Pirri 6
Florence 5
Hangzhou 5
Leawood 5
Moscow 5
Munich 5
Torino 5
Bergen 4
Bologna 4
Cookstown 4
Hefei 4
London 4
Sofia 4
Valencia 4
Woodbridge 4
Arischia 3
Augusta 3
Boston 3
Candia Lomellina 3
Guangzhou 3
Houston 3
Molfetta 3
Palermo 3
Paris 3
Redwood City 3
Rivoli 3
San Jose 3
San Nicola 3
San Vito Chietino 3
Spoltore 3
Stockholm 3
Vasto 3
Weimar 3
Amsterdam 2
Arquata Scrivia 2
Athens 2
Atlanta 2
Brest 2
Buffalo 2
Castellammare di Stabia 2
Chicago 2
Coccaglio 2
Fairfield 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Frattamaggiore 2
Graniti 2
Gravina In Puglia 2
Istanbul 2
Krakow 2
La Coruña 2
Madrid 2
Manila 2
Melbourne 2
Messina 2
Minucciano 2
Totale 2.402
Nome #
Progetto di una copertura a paraboloide iperbolico a pianta circolare 232
Analisi non lineare statica e dinamica di tensostrutture in reti di funi a paraboloide iperbolico 143
Peak factor statistics of wind effects for hyperbolic paraboloid roofs 106
Predicting the flutter speed of a pedestrian suspension bridge through examination of laboratory experimental errors 97
Progetto di una tensostruttura di copertura per lo Stadio Adriatico di Pescara 83
Time-Dependent Corrosion Wastage Model for Wrought Iron Structures 83
Studio della forma di una tensostruttura in relazione ai carichi da vento: la copertura dello Stadio Adriatico di Pescara 80
Wind action on of hyperbolic paraboloid shaped 80
Tourist Living on Off-Shore Wind Turbine: Floating Anchorage Design and Wind/Wave – Structure Interaction Study 80
Design of hyperbolic paraboloid roofs with circular and elliptical plan shape 76
Deformable polyurethane joints and fibre grids for resilient seismic performance of reinforced concrete frames with orthoblock brick infills 74
Aerodynamic behaviour of hyperbolic parabolic shaped roofs: wind tunnel test, POD and CFD analysis 72
Probabilistic estimate of indoor radon distribution in Abruzzo (central Italy): comparison of different statistical methods 72
null 72
Examination of experimental errors in Scanlan derivatives of a closed-box bridge deck 70
Appendix to chapter 2: Geometrically nonlinear finite elements analysis 67
Design pressure coefficients for circular and elliptical plan structures with hyperbolic paraboloid roof 67
Characterization of Mean Wind Profiles and Surface Roughness Assessment from Wind LIDAR Measurements 66
Seismic retrofit of a multispan prestressed concrete girder bridge with friction pendulum devices 65
Modeling Non-Linearity on Cable Stayed Masts of Tensile Fabric Structures 65
Studio aerodinamico ed analisi non lineare di tensostrutture in reti di cavi - PARTE II: prove in galleria del vento 64
null 64
Aerodynamics of tensile structures 64
Wind action evaluation on tension roofs of hyperbolic paraboloid shape. 64
Characterisation of pressure coefficients on hyperbolic paraboloid roofs 63
Wind pressures on a large span canopy roof 62
Aerodynamic Behaviour of Hyperbolic Paraboloid Shaped Roofs : Wind Tunnel Tests 61
Tensile Structures of Cables Net, Guidelines to Design and Applications 61
Correlation structure of wind-tunnel pressure fields for a hyperbolic paraboloid roof 61
Aerodynamic behaviour of hyperbolic paraboloid shaped roofs: POD and CFD analysis 60
Investigation of wind induced vibration and acoustic performance interactions for a flexible roof through multiphysics approach 60
Peak factors dependence on wind angles of attack for a hyperbolic paraboloid roof 58
Aerodynamic study and Non Linear analysis of tension structures with cables net - Part 1: design aspects 57
Corrosion wastage models for steel structures: Literature review and a new interpretative formulation for wrought iron alloys 57
Wind tunnel tests on hyperbolic paraboloid roofs: equivalent pressure fields. 55
Experimental error analysis of dynamic properties for a reduced-scale high-rise building model and implications on full-scale behaviour 55
Non linear analysis and wind-structure interaction 54
Aeroelastic response of suspended pedestrian bridges made of laminated wood and hemp 54
Characterization of pressure coefficients on hyperbolic paraboloid roofs 53
Le strutture di Nervi: confronto fra due epoche 52
Artificial Neural Network model to predict the flutter velocity of suspension bridges 52
Hyperbolic paraboloid shape roofs with elliptical plan 51
Static and Dynamic Non linear analyses of tension structures with cable nets and hyperbolic paraboloid shape 51
Computational study of a bluff body aerodynamics: Impact of the laminar-to-turbulent transition modelling. 51
null 49
Appendix to chapter 2: Geometrically nonlinear finite elements analysis 49
Design for the crossing over the river mersey (UK): Suspension bridge 48
Correlation of wind-tunnel pressure fields on hyperbolic paraboloid roofs 48
Modeling of Screw-Dental Structure Interaction: First Step Toward Finite Element Analysis 47
Aerodynamics of tensile structures 45
Parameterization of the structural performances of suspension bridges main cables using an analytical procedure 45
Wind tunnel tests on hyperbolic paraboloid roofs with elliptical plane shapes 43
Pressure field correlation for buildings with hyperbolic paraboloid roofs: Results of wind-tunnel tests 42
Le centrali energetiche da rinnovabili come nuovi attrattori paesaggistici. Aspetti tipologico-strutturali e tecnologico-materici 36
Predictive analyses for aerodynamic investigation of curtain walls 34
null 32
Hyperbolic paraboloid roof with a circular plan 32
Aerodynamic behaviour of hyperbolic paraboloid roofs: comparison between piv tests and cfd simulations 30
Investigation of wind-induced dynamics of a cable net roof with aeroelastic wind tunnel tests 30
Statistical approach to compute a surrogate input for building physics CFD simulations through experimental measurements 30
Air Waves Induced by Truck Passage in a Slender Motorway 28
Quick Reparation of Infills in RC Frames After Seismic Damages – Experimental Tests on Shaking Table 27
Shape dependence of wind pressure peak factor statistics in hyperbolic paraboloid roofs 26
Fem analysis of tension structures with experimental wind action 25
null 25
Pressure modes for hyperbolic paraboloid roofs 24
Earthquake induced floor accelerations on a High-rise building: in scale tests on shaking table 24
Investigation of the time dependence of wind-induced aeroelastic response on a scale model of a high-rise building 23
Wind Tunnel Pressure Series Statistics for the Case of a Large Span Canopy Roof 23
Shape dependence of acoustic performances of buildings with a hyperbolic paraboloid cable net membrane roof 22
Peak value estimation for wind-induced lateral accelerations in a high-rise building 21
Examining wind-induced floor accelerations in an unconventionally shaped, high-rise building for the design of "smart" screen walls 20
Uncertainties in wind-induced loads on hyperbolic paraboloid roofs: wind-tunnel tests and analytical models 19
Examination of artificial neural networks to predict wind-induced displacements of cable net roofs 19
Wind-induced vibration mitigation of video screen rooms in high-rise buildings 19
Improving the acoustical properties of an elliptical plan space with a cable net membrane roof 18
Fragility assessment of wind-excited video screen rooms in high-rise buildings 17
Sustainable infrastructures: a case of Pedestrian suspension bridge made of wood and hemp cables 16
Sensitivity investigation on the pressure coefficients non-dimensionalization 16
Metodo Costruttivo per la Realizzazione di Edifici 5
Totale 4.191
Categoria #
all - tutte 21.655
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 21.655

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020214 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 49 17 16 57 11
2020/2021422 21 19 78 12 48 79 24 12 14 40 48 27
2021/2022459 13 19 32 32 12 6 47 24 39 9 57 169
2022/20231.199 129 148 69 105 127 227 69 97 146 7 51 24
2023/2024463 35 12 51 17 38 138 108 4 4 21 1 34
2024/2025573 49 239 149 28 26 61 21 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.191