STOPPA, Francesco
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 5.519
NA - Nord America 4.506
AS - Asia 2.333
AF - Africa 18
OC - Oceania 16
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 10
SA - Sud America 10
Totale 12.412
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.487
IT - Italia 1.383
UA - Ucraina 878
CN - Cina 839
IE - Irlanda 667
TR - Turchia 636
FR - Francia 502
GB - Regno Unito 454
SG - Singapore 448
SE - Svezia 402
IN - India 378
AT - Austria 372
DE - Germania 331
FI - Finlandia 179
RU - Federazione Russa 133
PL - Polonia 115
RS - Serbia 31
CA - Canada 17
AU - Australia 16
BE - Belgio 15
MA - Marocco 14
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 13
ES - Italia 12
EU - Europa 10
GR - Grecia 10
IR - Iran 10
NL - Olanda 7
VN - Vietnam 7
BR - Brasile 4
CH - Svizzera 4
HK - Hong Kong 4
KR - Corea 4
AR - Argentina 3
IL - Israele 3
CL - Cile 2
HR - Croazia 2
LT - Lituania 2
MX - Messico 2
NO - Norvegia 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
DK - Danimarca 1
HU - Ungheria 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MG - Madagascar 1
OM - Oman 1
PE - Perù 1
PH - Filippine 1
RO - Romania 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SI - Slovenia 1
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 1
UG - Uganda 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 12.412
Città #
Jacksonville 969
Chandler 797
Dublin 664
Princeton 376
Southend 372
Vienna 372
Singapore 357
Izmir 344
Wilmington 237
Nanjing 229
Beijing 183
Cambridge 161
Chieti 137
Dearborn 134
Kraków 111
Ann Arbor 108
Ashburn 101
Boardman 92
Rome 89
Altamura 88
Santa Clara 88
Nanchang 84
Woodbridge 66
Falls Church 55
Shenyang 52
Pescara 47
Hebei 45
Tianjin 45
Milan 40
Los Angeles 38
New York 34
Grevenbroich 33
Kunming 30
Belgrade 29
Jiaxing 28
Helsinki 23
Norwalk 22
Hangzhou 21
Napoli 19
Changsha 16
Naples 16
Seattle 16
Brussels 14
Florence 14
London 14
Francavilla Al Mare 13
Jinan 13
Perugia 13
Alessandria 12
Washington 12
Auburn Hills 11
Houston 11
Kocaeli 11
Orange 11
Simi Valley 11
Casièr 10
Guangzhou 10
Perth 10
Tappahannock 10
Teramo 10
Ardabil 9
Brno 9
Palermo 9
Augusta 8
Bari 8
Beaverton 8
Montesilvano 8
San Mateo 8
Taizhou 8
Toronto 8
Andover 7
Cagliari 7
Catanzaro 7
Dong Ket 7
Leawood 7
Moscow 7
Mumbai 7
Pisa 7
Zhengzhou 7
Bangalore 6
Bonn 6
Castelnuovo Rangone 6
Hefei 6
Lanzhou 6
Munich 6
Paris 6
Philadelphia 6
Redwood City 6
Ancona 5
Bologna 5
Canicattì 5
Castel Frentano 5
Catania 5
Changchun 5
Collecorvino 5
Montesilvano Marina 5
Mountain View 5
Pratola Peligna 5
Salsomaggiore Terme 5
Shanghai 5
Totale 7.238
Nome #
Il vulcanesimo. La preistoria: l’origine del mito 239
Carta geologica alla scala 1:5.000 della Collina e della Rupe di Orvieto, note Illustrative e database informatizzato dei dati di sottosuolo 180
Darwin tra scienza, storia e società : 150° anniversario della pubblicazione di Origine delle specie 164
Il tufo di Orvieto nel quadro dell’evoluzione vulcano-tettonica della caldera di Bolsena, Monti Vulsini. 160
Il "rifting" tirrenico: delaminazione della litosfera continentale e magmatogenesi. 159
Seismic response of a deep continental basin including velocity inversion: the Sulmona intramontane basin (Central Apennines, Italy). 143
Device for measuring concentration of gases 132
Phthalates, heavy metals and PAHs in an overpopulated coastal region: Inferences from Abruzzo, central Italy 132
L'Euremite di Colle Fabbri (Spoleto): un litotipo ad affinità carbonatitica in Italia. 123
Ba-Ti-rich micas from alkali Si-undersaturated rocks of the Calatrava volcanic field, Central Spain 119
Il Dio dimora sulla faglia 119
Il geosito di collefabbri 116
Classificazione modale delle vulcaniti del Monte Vulture. 116
Tettonica e magmatismo nell’Appennino settentrionale lungo la geotraversa Isola del Giglio- M.ti Sibillini. 109
Introduction Carbonatites plus: A special issue arising from the ‘EuroCarb’ ESF network 107
Phlogopite from the Ventaruolo subsynthem volcanics (Mt Vulture, Italy): a multi-method study. 106
Caratteristiche identificative di una roccia carbonatitica del Pleistocene Superiore affiorante presso Polino (Tr - Umbria). 105
Texture and mineralogy of tuffs and tuffisites at Ruri Volcano in western Kenya: a carbonatite, melilitite, mantle-debris trio 104
State of the art: Italian carbonatites and their potential for critical-metal deposits 104
Is it possible to optimize the traditional classification scheme of ultra-alkaline rocks by means of combined statistical methods? 104
Il vulcanismo monogenico medio-pleistocenico della conca di Carsoli (L’Aquila) 103
Italian carbonatite system: From mantle to ore-deposit 102
Is there a mantle plume below Italy? 100
Reply to: “Carbonate-rich pyroclastic rocks from central Apennines: carbonatites or carbonated rocks? A commentary”. A. Peccerillo 99
Geochemistry of carbonatite-silicate pairs in nature: A case history from Central Italy 98
Il vulcanismo medio-pleistocenico dell’Appennino Laziale-Abruzzese: dalle peculiarità scientifiche agli aspetti applicativi. 97
Alkaline and ultramafic lamprophyres in Italy: Distribution, mineral phases, and bulk rock data 97
Crystal chemistry of phlogopite from Vulture-S. Michele Subsynthem volcanic rocks (Mt. Vulture, Italy) and volcanological implications 96
La voce profonda dei Vulcani. 96
Vulcanismo alcalino cretaceo post-ofiolitico nell’alloctono liguride della Toscana meridionale. I : l’area del T. Senna (Siena- Grosseto) 95
Plume activity, magmatism, and the geodynamic evolution of the Central Mediterranean 95
Umbrianite, K7Na2Ca2[Al3Si10O29]F2Cl2, a new mineral species from melilitolite of the Pian di Celle volcano, Umbria, Italy 95
CO2 magmatism in Italy: from deep carbon to carbonatite volcanism 94
Implementazione del censimento delle coperture contenenti amianto con utilizzo delle tecniche di remote sensing e microscropia elettronica a scansione 94
Intrusive calcite-carbonatite occurrence from Mt. Vulture volcano, southern Italy. 93
Geochemical distinctions between igneous carbonate, calcite cements, and limestone xenoliths (Polino carbonatite, Italy): spatially resolved LAICPMS analyses 93
The San Venanzo Volcano park and museum in the frame of thevolcano tourism in Italy 92
Abruzzo the taste of discovery 92
Normal faulting along the western side of the Matese Mountains: Implications for active tectonics in the Central Apennines (Italy). 92
The Tyrrhenian zone: a case of lithosphere extension control of intra-continental magmatism 90
Ultramafic intrusion triggers hydrotermal explosions at Colle Fabbri (Spoleto, Umbria), Italy 90
Darwin tra storia e scienza all'Università G. d'Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara. Darwin tra scienza, storia e società: 150° anniversario della pubblicazione di Origine delle Specie. 90
A multi-method analysis of Si-, S- and REE-rich apatite from a new find of kalsilite-bearing leucitite (Abruzzi, Italy). 88
Magma evolution inside the 1631 Vesuvius magma chamber and eruption triggering 88
The Sirente crater, Italy: impact versus mud volcano origins 87
Problematiche petrologiche e geologiche delle Prasiniti di Punta Bianca (La Spezia). 87
Aspetti tettonico-strutturali e magmatici di "ULUD", un distretto ultra-alcalino di nuova definizione in Italia 87
In-situ Cosmetecor multielectrode electric observations in Abruzzo region before M6.2 Norcia earthquake 24.08.2016. First results. 87
An enriched mantle source for Italy's melilitite-carbonatite association as inferred by its Nd-Sr isotope signature. 86
C02 as the propellant of carbonatite-kamafugite cognate pairs and the eruption of diatremic tuffisite. 85
The San Venanzo maar and tuff ring, Umbria, Italy: eruptive behaviour of a carbonatite-melilitite volcano. 84
Comment on: Development of spheroid “composite” bombs by welding of juvenile spinning and isotropic droplets inside a mafic “eruption” column by Carracedo Sánchez et al. (2009) 84
Hydrovolcanic vs magmatic processes in forming maars and associated pyroclasts: the Calatrava - Spain - case history 84
Petrology and regional implications of Early Cretaceous Alkaline Lamprophyres in the Ligure-Maremmano Group (Southern Tuscany, Italy): an outline. 83
The carbonate substitution in apatite: new crystal-chemical data from Kasekere, Uganda. 82
The Mediterranean region, an indipendent micro-plate above a trapped plume head : inferences from isotopic data and areal balance considerations 82
Calcium-aluminum-silicate-hydrate “cement” phases and rare Ca-zeolite association at Colle Fabbri, Central Italy 82
Lamprophyres of Italy: Early Cretaceous Alkaline lamprophyres of Southern Tuscany, Italy 81
Comments on Melluso et al. (2003) reported data and interpretation of some wollastonite- and melilite-bearing rocks from the Central Apennines of Italy 79
Presentazione di alcuni aspetti tettonico-strutturali e petrologici del Distretto Ultra-alcalino Umbro Laziale. 79
Leucite melilitolites in Italy: genetic aspects and relationships with associated alkaline rocks and carbonatites 79
Carbonatites plus: a special issue arising from the EuroCarb ESF network 79
Carbonatite lapilli-bearing tuff and a dolomite carbonatite bomb from Murumuli crater, Katwe volcanic field, Uganda 78
Late Pleistocene ultra-alkaline magmatic activity in the Umbria-Latium region (Italy) : an overview 78
Zr-Ti disilicates from the Pian di Celle volcano, Umbria, Italy 77
Le Piroclastiti medio- pleistoceniche di Massa Martana-Acquasparta (Umbria): caratteri strutturali e vulcanologici. 77
Calcio-carbonatite melts and metasomatism in the mantle beneath Mt. Vulture (Southern Italy) 77
Petrography and mineral chemistry of mantle xenoliths in a carbonate-rich melilititc tuff from Mt. Vulture volcano, southern Italy. 76
The Tyrrhenian large-scale detachment system: distinctive tectonic features and magmatogenetic implications. 76
Nonstationary electrical activity in the tectonosphere-atmosphere interface retrieving by multielectrode sensors: case study of three major earthquakes in Central Italy with M>6 76
Rift valley magmatism - is there evidence for laterally variable alkali clinopyroxenite mantle? 75
Reducing seismic risk by understanding its cultural roots: inference from an Italian case history 75
Vulcanismo carbonatitico medio-pleistocenico in Italia: attività eruttiva e depositi piroclastici. 73
Genesis of kalsilite melilitite at Cupaello, Central Italy: Evidence from melt inclusions 73
The carbonate fraction in carbonatitic Italian lamprophyres 72
Distribuzione regionale dei litotipi ignei, traccianti geochimici ed altri aspetti caratteristici dell’area tirrenica e peri-tirrenica. Sua evoluzione tettonica e verifica del modello estensionale. 72
The tectonic significance of Italian magmatism: an alternative view to the popular interpretation 72
Gli abiti tradizionali in Abruzzo Citeriore 72
Analisi morfologica della saltarella tra i balli a struttura circolare nella zona degli Abruzzi Citra 72
An overview of monogenetic carbonatitic magmatism from Uganda, Italy, China and Spain: volcanologic and geochemical features 72
Cuspidine in melilitolites of San Venanzo, Italy. 71
Extension of the melilite-carbonatite province in the Apennines of Italy: the kamafugite of Grotta del Cervo, Abruzzo. 71
Melilitite at Fort Portal, Uganda: another dimension to the carbonate volcanism 70
Il ballo a zampogna in Abruzzo 70
Pit falls and sinkholes, analogous features produced by different geological situation 70
Carbonatites and kamafugites in Italy: mantle-derived rocks that challenge subduction. 69
Erratum to "Eruption style and petrology of a new carbonatitic suite from the Mt. Vulture (Southern Italy): the Monticchio Lakes Formation." [Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 78 ( 1997) 251-265] 69
Carbonatites and related rocks in Italy: an evidence for an expanding mantle? 68
null 68
Updates in volcanology - a comprehensive approach to the volcanological problems 67
Umbrianite IMA 2011-074. CNMNC Newsletter No. 11, Decembre 2011, page 2892; Mineralogical Magazine, 75, 2887-2893 67
Phlogopite-biotite parageneses from the K-mafic-carbonatite effusive magmatic association of Katwe - Kikorongo, SW Uganda 66
New mineral data from the kamafugite-carbonatite association: the melilitolite from Pian di Celle, Italy 66
Compositions of magmas and carbonate-silicate liquid immiscibility in the Vulture alkaline igneous complex, Italy 66
Geologia e problematiche ambientali della Costa Teatina 66
Divinità ctonie, "monumenti sismici" e rischio sismico in Abruzzo. 66
Nyerereite from carbonatite rocks at Vulture volcano: implications for mantle metasomatism and petrogenesis of alkali carbonate melts 66
Pelletal lapilli in diatremes-Some inspiration from the old masters 65
Un plume mantellico pulsante nel Mediterraneo e nella Tetide Alpina. 65
Totale 9.113
Categoria #
all - tutte 43.250
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 43.250

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.104 0 0 0 0 138 106 270 207 32 130 203 18
2020/20211.109 168 21 185 12 105 211 25 17 69 181 77 38
2021/2022887 38 16 16 90 84 43 23 92 113 36 91 245
2022/20232.394 211 253 116 285 263 464 157 187 293 50 66 49
2023/20241.071 97 57 59 49 46 281 205 44 30 58 33 112
2024/2025968 191 324 267 85 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 12.625