RAGGI, Andrea
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 8.081
NA - Nord America 6.894
AS - Asia 3.873
AF - Africa 100
SA - Sud America 74
OC - Oceania 66
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 16
Totale 19.104
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.811
IT - Italia 2.299
CN - Cina 1.192
UA - Ucraina 1.080
IE - Irlanda 1.058
SG - Singapore 1.044
GB - Regno Unito 857
SE - Svezia 792
TR - Turchia 764
DE - Germania 545
FR - Francia 489
IN - India 236
FI - Finlandia 215
RU - Federazione Russa 166
MY - Malesia 117
PH - Filippine 92
NL - Olanda 87
BE - Belgio 69
CA - Canada 65
ID - Indonesia 65
VN - Vietnam 65
ES - Italia 64
AT - Austria 57
IR - Iran 57
AU - Australia 53
PT - Portogallo 49
GR - Grecia 42
NO - Norvegia 34
PK - Pakistan 34
TW - Taiwan 31
BR - Brasile 28
PL - Polonia 27
RO - Romania 27
ZA - Sudafrica 27
ET - Etiopia 26
KR - Corea 26
CH - Svizzera 24
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 24
HK - Hong Kong 23
TH - Thailandia 23
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 21
CL - Cile 19
HU - Ungheria 18
EU - Europa 16
JP - Giappone 16
DK - Danimarca 15
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 13
MX - Messico 12
MA - Marocco 11
NP - Nepal 11
SA - Arabia Saudita 10
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 10
CO - Colombia 9
IL - Israele 9
LV - Lettonia 9
EC - Ecuador 8
EG - Egitto 8
LK - Sri Lanka 8
NG - Nigeria 7
BD - Bangladesh 6
EE - Estonia 5
BG - Bulgaria 4
BT - Bhutan 4
DZ - Algeria 4
HN - Honduras 4
AR - Argentina 3
KZ - Kazakistan 3
MD - Moldavia 3
MU - Mauritius 3
MW - Malawi 3
PE - Perù 3
SI - Slovenia 3
SM - San Marino 3
SO - Somalia 3
UY - Uruguay 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 2
BH - Bahrain 2
GE - Georgia 2
HR - Croazia 2
KE - Kenya 2
LB - Libano 2
LT - Lituania 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
OM - Oman 2
ZW - Zimbabwe 2
BO - Bolivia 1
CU - Cuba 1
CY - Cipro 1
GH - Ghana 1
IS - Islanda 1
MN - Mongolia 1
MZ - Mozambico 1
NA - Namibia 1
PA - Panama 1
SC - Seychelles 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 19.104
Città #
Chandler 1.295
Jacksonville 1.223
Dublin 1.043
Singapore 916
Southend 543
Princeton 522
Izmir 372
Nanjing 322
Ann Arbor 266
Wilmington 241
Ashburn 239
Dearborn 229
Cambridge 191
Beijing 182
Santa Clara 173
Rome 140
Boardman 116
Nanchang 110
Chieti 104
Woodbridge 95
Milan 88
Hebei 65
New York 64
Francavilla Al Mare 63
Shenyang 61
Brussels 60
Tianjin 60
Los Angeles 56
Altamura 52
Pescara 52
Grevenbroich 51
Jiaxing 48
Kunming 48
Bologna 43
Kuala Lumpur 38
Florence 37
Bari 36
Naples 36
Hangzhou 35
Houston 34
Vienna 34
Norwalk 33
Dong Ket 32
Jinan 32
Helsinki 31
Ottawa 31
Trento 30
Washington 29
Changsha 27
Munich 27
Hagen 26
Orange 26
Catania 25
Falls Church 25
Ningbo 25
Addis Ababa 24
Zhengzhou 24
Cebu City 23
Lisbon 23
London 23
Brisbane 22
Sint Jansteen 22
Venezia 21
Hanoi 20
Palermo 20
Seattle 20
Arau 19
Guangzhou 19
Siena 18
Spoltore 18
Turin 18
Budapest 17
Rimini 17
Taizhou 17
Athens 16
Bandung 16
Livorno 16
Marigliano 16
Semenyih 16
Rawalpindi 15
Acerra 14
Cagliari 14
Lanzhou 14
Padova 14
Barcelona 13
Bergen 13
Hefei 13
Isernia 13
Kaohsiung 13
Thessaloniki 13
Amsterdam 12
Chennai 12
Dundee 12
Edinburgh 12
Jakarta 12
Jeju City 12
Brusaporto 11
Messina 11
Reggio Emilia 11
Torre Dei Passeri 11
Totale 10.512
Nome #
Towards a definition of Circular Tourism: A literature review 317
Measuring the Carbon Footprint of a sample of accommodation facilities in Italy 231
Life Cycle Thinking in online accommodation booking platforms: making a more sustainable choice 228
La valutazione d’impatto ambientale delle organizzazioni. Una review della letteratura. 212
Definizione dei criteri della Functional Unit nell’LCA e nella Social LCA: spunti di discussione 198
"Tourism Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): Proposal of a new methodological framework for sustainable consumption and production" 194
Environmental Assessment of Beekeeping Products and Services – A Life Cycle Assessment Case Study Including Honey and Pollination 183
LCA: a key-tool for sustainable tourism? 182
Life Cycle Thinking for sustainable tourism in online booking platforms 180
Circular Tourism: Towards the Inclusion of the Concept of Sustainabilty in Online Booking Platforms 173
“Misurare l’economia circolare nel settore agroalimentare: una panoramica delle review” 170
“Measuring the sustainability impact of circular economy practices: Comparing academia and practice. Aligning the methodological framework with a fuzzy concept”, 158
Functional Unit Definition Criteria in Life Cycle Assessment and Social Life Cycle Assessment: A Discussion 154
The role of pollination in the LCA studies of honey 137
LCA del compostaggio e della digestione anaerobica di rifiuti urbani: una rassegna bibliografica 135
Valutazione di strumenti di LCA semplificata per l'industria agroalimentare 129
Valutazione dei potenziali impatti ambientali legati a due opzioni di trattamento dei rifiuti organici in Abruzzo 125
LCA dei prodotti turistici: stato dell'arte e prospettive 120
"Technological Growth in the Italian Economy: Some Indicators Compared" 114
"Colour Uniformity in Discontinuous Foodstuffs to Define Tolerances and Acceptability" 114
Life Cycle Assessment of Honey: Considering the Pollination Service 114
Measuring the sustainability impact of circular economy practices: a systematic literature review from an industrial ecology perspective 113
Simbiosi Industriale, network e innovazione: potenzialità e limiti dei Poli d’Innovazione italiani 112
Product end-of-life in the motorcycle industry:an integrated management perspective 109
The multiple dimensions of urban contexts in an industrial ecology perspective: an integrative framework 108
Measuring circularity in the tourism sector: a step forward 108
Business strategies to improve the environmental performances: life-cycle approaches and tools in Aptar Italia 106
Simplified Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of a semi-finished aluminium product 106
Stato dell’arte della Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) nel comparto vitivinicolo 105
Potenzialità dell’O-LCA nella valutazione d’impatto ambientale di Simbiosi Industriali 105
"Progressi tecnologici nella produzione delle superleghe e conseguente capacità sostitutiva" 104
Life cycle approach in an organic wine-making firm: an Italian case-study 103
Azioni pilota per la sperimentazione e definizione di potenziali scenari di simbiosi industriale nell’area del Sangro-Aventino 103
Analisi delle potenzialità di simbiosi industriale nell’area abruzzese del Sangro-Aventino 103
"Impact assessment of urban scenarios: an overview" 101
A model for the economic and environmental optimization of integrated waste management systems 100
The inclusion of the Pollination Service in Life Cycle Assessment of Beekeeping Products 100
Coniugare qualità e sostenibilità ambientale nella progettazione dei servizi – Proposta di un nuovo modello basato sul QFD, 99
Bioplastics in designing beauty and home packaging products. A case study form Aptar Italia Spa 98
“Instruments for the Assessment of Business Environmental Performance” 97
LCA of Italian and Spanish bovine leather production systems in an industrial ecology perspective 96
“Life cycle assessment and carbon footprint in the wine supply-chain” 95
Is there a simplified LCA tool suitable for the agri-food industry? An assessment of selected tools 95
Life Cycle Assessment and Carbon Footprint in the wine supply-chain 94
"A Proposal for a New Method to Develop Synthetic Quality Indices for Air and Water" 94
The adoption of the industrial ecology principles in post-disaster waste management 92
null 92
"Tecnologie e materiali innovativi nell'industria elettronica" 91
“A proposal for a mathematical model to identify optimal scenarios for waste management systems” 91
Industrial symbiosis and eco-industrial parks: a preliminary study of potential scenarios in the Sangro-Aventino industrial area 91
Implementing life-cycle approaches and tools: experiences and learnings from Aptar Italia 91
"Problems in the Use of Non-Contact Colour Measuring Instruments" 90
“Towards a harmonised framework methodology for the environmental assessment of food and drink products” 90
Life Cycle Interpretation nella Social Life Cycle Assessment: spunti di riflessione 90
“Implementation of VerdEE methodology to an organic wine of the Abruzzo region” 89
Life Cycle Assessment in the Wine Sector 89
Zero waste to landfill and the circular economy approach: the Aptar case-study 89
Evaluation of potential environmental impacts related to two organic waste treatment options in Italy 89
The Remanufacturing Process as an Option for Product Re-Birth 88
Applicazione della metodologia della LCA ad un pastificio 87
Rassegna di studi di impatto ambientale life cycle thinking sulla biogassificazione dell’organico 87
“Life Cycle Assessment and Carbon Footprint in the wine supply-chain” 86
Shedding light on Environmental Life Cycle Costing (eLCC): a systematic case studies review 86
Is there a Simplified LCA tool suitable for the Agri-food Industry? Implementation of selected approaches in two different case studies. 86
Some lessons learned and highlights from the working group on tourist services to position the Italian LCA Network in the context of SDGs 86
“Theory and application of consequential LCA” 84
"Proposta di un modello di Product-Oriented Environmental Management System (POEMS) per l'industria agro-alimentare: risultati preliminari" 84
“LCA e modelli di programmazione lineare per la scelta di scenari nella gestione integrata dei rifiuti” 84
The multiple dimensions of urban contexts in an Industrial Ecology perspective. 84
Applying service CAD system to value customization 83
Factors Influencing Changes in Energy Consumption - The Case of Italy, 1975-85 82
VerdEE: A tool for adoption of Life Cycle Assessment in small- and medium-sized enterprises in Italy 82
“Applicazione della metodologia LCA al sistema di gestione dei rifiuti del comprensorio Provincia di Pescara” 82
Eco-innovation of sand cores in aluminium gravity casting for the automotive supply-chain: an LCA-based analysis. 82
A newly developed integrated environment-quality approach for the design of hotel services 81
State of the art of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in the wine industry 81
"Improving Life Cycle Management (LCM) tools for the food industry: a framework of Product-Oriented EnvironmentalManagement System (POEMS)" 80
A Screening LCA of Olive Husk Combustion for Residential Heating 80
LCA preliminare della combustione di sansa per uso domestico 80
Colore e Colorimetria: contributi multidisciplinari, 79
Dematerialization as a measure of environmentally-sound use of materials 79
Environmental optimization of waste management systems by integrating LCA and linear programming: a simulation 79
LCA and linear programming for the environmental optimization of waste management systems: a simulation 79
"New Method for Assessing the Global Quality of Energy Systems" 78
“Application of a service modeling tool to hotel industry” 78
"Product-Oriented Environmental Management System (POEMS): a sustainable management framework for the food industry" 78
Life Cycle Approaches for the Environmental Impact Assessment of Organizations: Defining the State of the Art 78
"Lo smaltimento dei rifiuti solidi urbani: opzioni tecnologiche" 77
“Applicazione della procedura ‘VerdEE’ al ciclo di vita di un vino biologico abruzzese” 77
Approcci quantitativi al miglioramento della sostenibilità dei servizi turistici 77
A review of approaches for selecting integrated waste management scenarios for life cycle assessment studies 77
A systematic review of case-studies on Environmental Life Cycle Costing. A bridge towards future research 77
Il 'Comprehensive QFDE for service organizations': un nuovo strumento per la progettazione di servizi sostenibili di qualità 76
Tourism LCA: State-of-the-art and perspectives. 76
The implementation of simplified LCA in agri-food SMEs 76
Implementation of some simplified LCA tools in the agri-food sector – the case of wine 76
Totale 10.641
Categoria #
all - tutte 68.849
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 68.849

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.274 0 0 0 0 0 182 342 286 43 149 259 13
2020/20211.610 224 12 267 58 150 323 46 41 75 199 97 118
2021/20221.279 40 18 44 146 96 72 38 109 172 42 145 357
2022/20233.839 313 349 256 426 365 759 226 253 559 81 146 106
2023/20243.120 164 114 184 148 266 527 652 256 123 215 178 293
2024/20252.712 323 865 674 350 275 225 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 19.631